==== BSBM-Jena

Berlin SPARQL Benchmark with additions for testing local stores.  BSBM runs
all the queries over the SPARQL Protocol whereas this version calls the
stores directly, so removing protocol overhead.  For the smaller datasets
and simpler queries, the overheads can be a significant part of the cost so
evaluation of stores can be skewed.

BSBM-Local adds new endpoint formats as pseudo-URI schemes:

* "jena:<assembler>" where "assembler" is the file name of a Jena assembler
description for the store.

* "sesame:<directory>" to connect to a Sesame repository.

== Get the system and setup

git clone git://github.com/afs/BSBM-Local.git
# Create directories.
mkdir Data TDB-DB Sesame-DB
mkdir src-test

# The dependent jars.
mkdir lib-sys
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=lib-sys

Either use Eclipse (the project setup is included) or use "mvn compile" which
places the jar in target/classes

==  Directories

Data/data-SIZE          -- generated data
TDB-DB/DB-SIZE/         -- TDB 
Sesame-DB/Repo-SIZE     -- Sesame

== Process - for TDB backed stores.

# Choose sizes wanted

# Run the tdbloader, create stats files and assembler files.           

# Run the performance tests
# Results go into "Results/"

# Generate the results, naming the results directory.
# NB The BSBM formatter knows the possible store sizes 
runResults Results 

== Process - Sesame


== Questions?

If about BSBM generaly, ask the authors, see 

If about the local customization, please send questions to:
