A very simple library (well, it's just a function) for updating atoms and returning values
(ns thread-safe-queues.core
(:require [swap-and-return.core :as s]))
(defn queue [& elems]
(atom (into [] elems)))
(defn push!!
[queue val]
(swap! queue conj val) true)
;; for the pop operation we want to return the popped value to the calling thread
(def pop!!
(partial s/swap-and-return!
(fn [xs] {::s/atom (subvec xs 1)
:val (first xs)
:some-key "some other data"})))
(def q (apply queue [1 2 3 4]))
> (pop!! q)
{:val 1, :some-key "some other data"}
> (pop!! q)
{:val 2, :some-key "some other data"}
> (pop!! q)
{:val 3, :some-key "some other data"}
> (pop!! q)
{:val 4, :some-key "some other data"}
> (pop!! q)
> (push!! q 5)
> (pop!! q)
{:val 5, :some-key "some other data"}
> (pop!! q)