Fleece is a partial C rewrite of lumberjack... but lighter and non-blocking. This tool was written for our logstash platform at Gandi.net. The tool reads stdin then if it is already a JSON stream it just allows you to forward it through UDP to a remote host, if it's a plain text stream fleece jsonifies it and pushes it to the remote host.
An apache2 vhost logformat configuration example:
LogFormat "{ \
\"@timestamp\": \"%{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z}t\", \
\"@version\": \"1\", \
\"clientip\": \"%a\", \
\"duration\": %D, \
\"status\": %>s, \
\"message\": \"%U%q\", \
\"urlpath\": \"%U\", \
\"urlquery\": \"%q\", \
\"bytes\": %B, \
\"method\": \"%m\", \
\"referer\": \"%{Referer}i\", \
\"useragent\": \"%{User-agent}i\", \
\"platform\": \"website\", \
\"role\": \"frontend\", \
\"environment\": \"test\", \
\"vhost\": \"vhost.domain.tld\" }" logstash_json
CustomLog "|| /usr/bin/fleece --quiet --host host.domain.tld --port 6784" logstash_json
ErrorLog "|| /usr/bin/fleece --quiet --host host.domain.tld --port 6785 --field vhost=www.test.gandi.net --field role=frontend --field environment=test --field platform=website"
A logstash minimal configuration to get those events indexed
udp {
port => 6784
type => "json"
tags => ["apache", "access_log", "fleece"]
codec => "json"
udp {
port => 6785
type => "json"
tags => ["apache", "error_log", "fleece"]
codec => "json"
And the --help output of fleece
Usage: ./fleece [options]]
--help show this help
--version show the version of fleece
--field VALUE Add a custom key-value mapping to every line emitted
--host VALUE The hostname to send udp messages to
--port VALUE The port to connect on the udp server
--quiet Disable outputs
--window_size VALUE The window size
We are using debian for our platforms. This repository embeds the debian packaging information.