
online real-time multiplayer game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code Climate


Freerider is online real-time multiplayer game devoted to well-known Free Rider Problem


The free rider problem occurs when those who benefit from resources, goods, or services do not pay for them, which results in an under-provision of those goods or services.

The free rider problem is common among public goods. These are goods that have two characteristics:

  1. non-excludability: non-paying consumers cannot be prevented from using it
  2. non-rivalry: when you consume the good, it does not reduce the amount available to others.

This game is a social experiment and simulation of Free Rider Problem


  1. You and other people use public transport, for example bus. This is a public good.
  2. To stay in business bus company needs to have at least 1 passanger bought a ticket during 1 trip.
  3. Each round of the game is a trip. You decide to by or think that someone else buys it and steal a ride being smartass.
  4. If everyone appears to be such a smartass, company bankrupts. Everyone looses public commute, that means everyone looses the game.
  5. Our society adores successfull smartasses, so if company survives, winner is the passenger who stole the most of rides.


React.js, Rails5, ActionCable, Postgresql, Heroku

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© 2016 Oleg Gorbunov all rights reserved