
Running the program

./run.js [1, 3] [2, 4, 6]  # an example call

Building & running with docker

docker build . -t aetna-devsecops-bep:1.0.0
docker run aetna-devsecops-bep:1.0.0 [1, 2, 5, 110] [-1e+21, -1, 1]  
# another, also valid, function call


There are a few test cases in tests/ which verify the integrity of the mergeSortedArrays function itself.

yarn test


run.js contains several functions which relate to parsing its received arguments into arrays. I felt implementing this functionality was merited in part because the specification requested that this program accept a non-quoted format of arrays (which bash does not).

Additionally, there is validation logic for the array format itself in run.js. Validating the array contents seemed like a smart thing to do to mitigate uncertainty in terms of the program's runtime behavior.

Hopefully, this pre-processing doesn't contradict the exercise requirements where you said that "the function [itself] should be invoked from command line".