CS3753 (Operating Systems)
Fall 2018
University of Colorado Boulder
Programming Assignment 4
Public Code

By Andy Sayler - 2012

Adopted From
Assignment by Dr. Alva Couch

With help from:
Junho Ahn - 2012

handout - Assignment description and documentation

Makefile - GNU makefile to build all relevant code
pager-basic.c - Basic paging strategy implementation that runs one process at a time.
pager-lru.c - LRU paging strategy implementation (you code this).
pager-predict.c - Predictive paging strategy implementation (you code this).
api-test.c - A pageit() implmentation that tests that simulator state changes
simulator.c - Core simualtor code (look but don't touch)
simulator.h - Exported functions and structs for use with simulator
programs.c - Defines test "programs" for simulator to run
pgm*.pseudo - Pseudo code of test programs from which programs.c was generated.

test-* - Runs simulator using "programs" defined in programs.c
         and paging strategy defined in pager-*.c.
         Includes various run-time options. Run with '-help' for details.
test-api - Runs a test of the simulator state changes


 make clean

View test options:
 ./test-* -help

Run pager-basic test:

Run API test: