
Makes passing extras and saving/loading preferences clean and easy via annotations.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Makes passing extras and saving/loading preferences clean and easy via annotations.

How To Use:

Put the wagon_x.xx.jar in the Android 'libs' folder of your project. If 'libs' doesn't exist, create it at the same level as 'src'.

Examples: ([See wiki] (https://github.com/beplaya/Wagon/wiki))



compile 'james.a.grant:wagon:1.1.0'


Annotate which fields you'd like to put in the wagon:

  	public class MainActivity extends Activity {
	// All fields in crates will be copied to
	// another instance in the next activity
	@Crate(key = "theCrate")
	public CrateExample crateExample = new CrateExample();
	@WoodBox(key = "theString")
	public String sTRING = "I'm a string";
	@WoodBox(key = "theList")
	public ArrayList<String> lIST;

Pack your wagon and start the next activity:

	private void startNextAcitivity() {
		Wagon<MainActivity> wagon = new Wagon<MainActivity>(this.getClass(), this);//this==MainActivity
		Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), OtherActivity.class);

Unpack your wagon:

public class OtherActivity extends Activity {

	//The crate from the last activity
	//will be copied into this crate instance
	//with the same field values
	@Crate(key = "theCrate")
	public CrateExample crateExample = new CrateExample();

	@WoodBox(key = "theList")
	public ArrayList<String> lIST = new ArrayList<String>();
	@WoodBox(key = "theString")
	public String sTRING = "";

	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
		final Wagon<OtherActivity> wagon = new Wagon<OtherActivity>(this.getClass(), this);

CrateExample class used above

public class CrateExample {

	public ArrayList<String> theListInCrate;

	public String theStringInCrate;
	public int numberInt;

	public CrateExample() {
		this(new ArrayList<String>(), "", 0);

	public CrateExample(ArrayList<String> l, String s, int number) {
		this.theListInCrate = l;
		this.theStringInCrate = s;
		this.numberInt = number;


Nesting crates

You may nest crates within other crates without limit. Simply annotate each Object field in the class as @Crate.
There is no reason to use a WoodBox within a Crate. Any field within a Crate is already considered a WoodBox.
	public class MainActivity extends Activity {
	@WoodBox(key = "aBox")
	public void float value = 42;

	@Crate(key = "aCrate")
	public CrateExample crateExample;
public class CrateExample {

	//No need to annotate as WoodBox.  Already considered one.
	public void int number = 77;
	//No need to annotate as WoodBox.  Already considered one.
	public ArrayList<String> theListInCrate;

	@Crate(key = "aNestedCrate")
	public NestedCrateExample nestedCrate;
public class NestedCrateExample {

	//No need to annotate as WoodBox.  Already considered one.
	public float theFloat;
	//No need to annotate as WoodBox.  Already considered one.
	public long theLong;

	public NestedCrateExample() {

	public NestedCrateExample(float f, long l) {
		this.theFloat = f;
		this.theLong = l;


Just like extras, Wagon can pass annotated fields to SharedPreferences:
	@Crate(key = "myPreferenceCrate", preference = true)
	public CrateExample crate;
	@WoodBox(key = "myPreferenceString", preference = true)
	public String value;
	wagon.pack(getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE));
	wagon.unpack(getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE));