
📔 About

The object of the project is to create a fake platform to control your financials. The goal of the project is to list the transactions and create a new transactions

🖥️ Technologies used

  • ReactJS
  • TypeScript
  • Styled-components (to style the project)
  • MirageJS (to create a fake API)
  • Motion (to animate somethings)
  • React-hook-form (to handle the forms)

🚀 Overview of the project

How works

You can create two types of transaction, received and withdrawn


Here you can see all the transactions made, the transactions have title, value, category, and date

Captura de Tela 2022-03-15 às 05 03 46

Modal to create a transaction

Here you can create a new transacation of two types received and withdrawn.

Captura de Tela 2022-03-15 às 05 23 22

Access to the project

To run the project follow the nexts steps

Cloning the project

    $ git clone

Go to the project

    $ cd dt-money

Open your IDE (My case is VSCode)

    $ code .

Run the project

    $ yarn && yarn start

Developed by: Guilherme Ramos