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Before getting started, please make sure use this repository as a template and create your own public repository, on which you will commit and push your code regularly. Once you are ready, please mail us back the link to your repository.

Below, you will find the Task definition.

Happy Hacking 💻


Write two python scripts that have to achieve the common goal to downloads a certain set of resources, merges them with CSV-transmitted resources, and converts them to a formatted excel file. In particular, the script should:


Transmits a CSV to a REST-API (s. Server-section below), handles the response and generates an Excel-File taking the input parameters into account.

  • Take an input parameter -k/--keys that can receive an arbitrary amount of string arguments

  • Take an input parameter -c/--colored that receives a boolean flag and defaults to True

  • Transmit CSV containing vehicle information to the POST Call of the server (example data: vehicles.csv)

  • Convert the servers response into an excel file that contains all resources and make sure that:

    • Rows are sorted by response field gruppe
    • Columns always contain rnr field
    • Only keys that match the input arguments are considered as additional columns (i.e. when the script is invoked with kurzname and info, print two extra columns)
    • If labelIds are given and at least one colorCode could be resolved, use the first colorCode to tint the cell's text (if labelIds is given in -k)
    • If the -c flag is True, color each row depending on the following logic:
      • If hu is not older than 3 months --> green (#007500)
      • If hu is not older than 12 months --> orange (#FFA500)
      • If hu is older than 12 months --> red (#b30000)
    • The file should be named vehicles_{current_date_iso_formatted}.xlsx


This script should offer a REST-API, that accepts a CSV, downloads a certain set of resources, merges them with the CSV, applies filtering, and returns them in an appropriate data-structure

  • REST-API (e.g. FastAPI, Flask, Django …) offering a POST Call which accepts a transmitted CSV containing vehicle information
  • Upon receiving a valid CSV file, do the following
    • Request the resources located at https://api.baubuddy.de/dev/index.php/v1/vehicles/select/active
    • Store both of them (the API Response + request body) in an appropriate data structure and make sure the result is distinct
    • Filter out any resources that do not have a value set for hu field
    • For each labelId in the vehicle's JSON array labelIds resolve its colorCode using https://api.baubuddy.de/dev/index.php/v1/labels/{labelId}
    • return data-structure in JSON format


It's mandatory for your requests towards the https://api.baubuddy.de to be authorized. You can find the required request below:

This is how it looks in curl:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://api.baubuddy.de/index.php/login \
  --header 'Authorization: Basic QVBJX0V4cGxvcmVyOjEyMzQ1NmlzQUxhbWVQYXNz' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{

The response will contain a json object, having the access token in json["oauth"]["access_token"]. For all subsequent calls this has to be added to the request headers as Authorization: Bearer {access_token}.

A possible implementation in Python could be the following. You don't have to copy over this one, feel free to indivualize it or use a different network library.

import requests
url = "https://api.baubuddy.de/index.php/login"
payload = {
    "username": "365",
    "password": "1"
headers = {
    "Authorization": "Basic QVBJX0V4cGxvcmVyOjEyMzQ1NmlzQUxhbWVQYXNz",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)