
  1. Write a program that prints out characters in the form of a grid. The program should ask a number N from the user. The grid must be drawn as a square whose edge is N characters. The outermost characters must be * characters describing a border. Inside the border a checkerboard must be drawn using space and + characters. The top-left corner checkerboard character must be + character. Below are the outputs for 5 different values of N.

*+ + + + *
* + + + +*
*+ + + + *
* + + + +*
*+ + + + *
* + + + +*
*+ + + + *
* + + + +*

*+ +*
* + *
*+ +*



*+ *
* +*

  1. Write a program that requests a pattern string from the user. The pattern includes wild card character * in addition to any other characters. Each occurrence of the wild chard character represents a sequence of any characters. After getting the pattern, the program continuously requests the user to enter a string and checks if the pattern occurs in the string using a method public static boolean occursIn(String pattern, String str). The program will exit when the user enters exit.
Enter the pattern string: s*h*l

Enter a string: school
s*h*l occurs in ”school”

Enter a string: okul
s*h*l does NOT occur in ”okul”

Enter a string: salaries are neither high nor low
s*h*l occurs in ”salaries are neither high nor low”

Enter a string: This is a good school, isn’t it? 
s*h*l occurs in ”This is a good school, isn’t it?”

Enter a string: I love programming 
s*h*l does NOT occur in ”I love programming”

Enter a string: exit
  • Implement the PersonalData class with the following UML diagram.
class PersonalData {
        - java.time.LocalDate:birthDate
        - String:address
        - long:ssn
        + PersonalData(java.time.LocalDate,long)
        + PersonalData(int,int,int,long)
        + getBirthDate():java.time.LocalDate
        + getAddress():String
        + getSSN():long
        + setAddress(String):void


A PersonalData object is created using one of the two constructors. First constructor uses java.time.LocalDate and social security number (SSN) data. Second constructor uses three integers and a long value. The three integers correspond to year, month and day values of a date, while long value corresponds to the SSN. In the implementation of the second constructor, you must use this keyword.

  • Implement the Student class with the following UML diagram.
class Student {
        - String:name
        - long:id
        - double:gpa
        - PersonalData:pd
        + Student(String,long,double,PersonalData)
        + getName():String
        + getID():long
        + getGPA():double
        + getPersonalData():PersonalData
        + toString():String


A student object is created by specifying his/her name, ID, GPA and personal data. A student object can be expressed as a String by simply concatenating its name, ID and GPA successively.

  • Revise the Course class according to the following UML diagram.
class Course {
        - String:name
        - Student[]:students
        - int:capacity
        - int:numberOfStudent
        + Course(String)
        + Course(String, int)
        + getNumberOfStudents():int
        + getCourseName():String
        + getStudents():Student[]
        + addStudent(Student):boolean
        + dropStudent(Student):boolean
        + increaseCapacity():void 
        + getBestStudent():Student
        + getYoungestStudent():Student
        + clear():void
        + list():void
        + toString():String



Each course object has a capacity. A course is created in two ways; either by specifying only its name or by specifying its name and capacity. Default capacity value for a course object is 40. You must use this keyword in the implementation of first constructor.

numberOfStudents holds the number of students currently enrolled to the course.

It uses an array of Students to store the students for the course.

addStudent(Student) method adds a student to the array. While adding the student to the array, the capacity of the course should not be exceeded and a student cannot be added to the course for the second time (remember that a student is uniquely identified by his/her ID). If the student is added to the course, numberOfStudents is increased by one and the method returns true, else it returns false.

dropStudent(Student) method deletes the student from the array. If the student is found in the array, then the student is deleted from the array, numberOfStudents is decreased by one and the method returns true, else the method returns false.

increaseCapacity() method increases the capacity of the course by 5.

getBestStudent() method returns the student with greatest GPA.

getYoungestStudent() method returns the youngest student. You may use the compareTo(java.time.LocalDate) method defined in java.time.LocalDate class.

clear() method removes all students from the course.

list() method prints all students enrolled to the course to the screen.

A course object is expressed as a String by concatenating its name, number of students enrolled to the course and each enrolled student’s ID, successively.

  • Write a test program in which the following are performed in order.
    • 5 students are created. Let one of them has the ID 5005.
    • A course (let us call it K129) with a capacity of 3 is created
    • Any 4 of the students is added to K129.
    • All students of K129 are printed on the screen.
    • The capacity of K129 is increased.
    • Remaining 2 students are added to K129.
    • All students of K129 are printed on the screen.
    • Student with ID 5005 is dropped from K129.
    • All students of K129 are printed on the screen.
    • Number of students enrolled to K129 is printed.
    • Birth year of best student of K129 is printed on the screen. (You should use - getYear() method of java.util.Date class.)
    • A new course (let us call it K130) is created.
    • All students currently enrolled in K129 are added to K130. (You should use - getStudents() method).
    • All students of K129 are removed from the course.
    • Student with ID 5005 is dropped from K129 and result of the operation is printed - on the screen.
    • All students of K130 are printed on the screen.
    • Best student of K130 is dropped from K130.
    • All students of K130 are printed on the screen.
    • GPA of youngest student of K130 is printed on the screen.
    • Courses K129 and K130 are printed on the screen.
