This is a foreign data wrapper using multicorn and python's urllib module in order to download any data as a table within PostgreSQL.
- Make sure you have an SMTP server running on localhost.
- Install multicorn
- Create the server in PostgreSQL
- Create the foreign table
- INSERT into the table with
$ sudo apt install postgresql-12-python3-multicorn
$ sudo -u postgres psql target_database
CREATE SERVER multicorn_smtp FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER multicorn OPTIONS ( wrapper 'urllibfdw.MailerForeignDataWrapper' );
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE some_schema.mailing ( "from" text, "to" text, "subject" text, "body" text, "body_html" text) SERVER multicorn_smtp;
INSERT INTO some_schema.mailing ("from", "to", "subject", "body", "body_html") VALUES ('', '', 'hello world !', '<strong>hello</strong> world !')