
Maven project for recording and running Selenium tests in an isolated environment (Docker container).

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Java Springboot Maven project for recording and running Selenium tests in an isolated environment.


Java project


Uses a customized docker container (bernattt/ubuntu-selenium).

Docker container

You can find the image here.

Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.2 LTS 64-bit
Chromium 73.0
Firefox 66.0.3
Selenium IDE 3.11.0 (for recording tests)
Selenium Server 3.141.59 + Grid + Node (for running tests)
VNC Server (Graphical interface)

Ubuntu credentials

User: user
Password: password

There are some directories mapped from the project to the container.

Host Container
\src\main\resources\static\docker\mapped\Selenium /home/user/Selenium

There are also some ports mapped from the container to your host.

Host Container Use
6080 80 VNC Server
6081 4444 Selenium

Make changes to the container

You may want to modify the image, you can do it by:

  • Running the container
  • Modifying whatever you need from ubuntu
  • Commit container changes
docker commit <CONTAINER ID> ubuntu-selenium:<vx>

'vx' is the version tag, where x is n+1 being n the latest version available at that moment.

Getting Started

Clone the project

    git clone https://github.com/berenar/ubulenium.git
    cd .\ubulenium\
    git checkout berenar


  • Java 8 or higher
  • Maven to run the project
  • Docker to run the container
  • Kitematic for managing Docker containers (optional)

Check that you have everything installed

    java -version
    mvn --version
    docker --version


No need to install anything, just run the project with Maven.

    mvn clean install -DskipTests

Docker may ask you permission to share drives because of the mapped directories.

The first time the project compiles, tests need to be skipped because the Selenium Hub and Node need to be started manually from inside the container. Just open the two scripts located in the Ubuntu Desktop in this order:

  1. start_hub.sh
  2. start_node.sh

You can start as many nodes as you want by running start_node.sh more times.

Then you can mvn clean install and test will be run. (You can also run them individually as showed here )

You can always right click the test class and 'Run <TEST_CLASS_NAME>'

Check that the container is up and running

  • Here you should see the Ubuntu desktop.
  • Here you should see a Selenium Grid Console and a node with Chrome and Firefox.


Once the project has finished installing the Docker container you can begin to record and run tests.

Record tests

  1. Open http://localhost:6080 with your browser

You are now inside the container

  1. Open Chromium from the task bar

You will see that it has Selenium IDE installed

  1. Open Selenium IDE extension
  2. Record the test
  3. Export it to one of the mapped directories

You now have it on your host machine in the mapped directory you saved it to.
Remember that containers are not virtual machines, its storage is volatile so save all data you don't want to be erased, always save files in one of the mapped directories.
Note: Docker may have some temporary files but save what you want to keep.

Run tests

You can run tests via a RemoteWebDriver from the Java project, inside /src/test/java create a new package and a class that extends the Common class, where the Webdriver is initialized.
The new class will override the @Test method and has to have this structure:

    package your_package_name;
    import all.Common;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import org.openqa.selenium.*;
    public class your_class_name extends Common {
        public void test_name() {
            //Your test goes here

Now you just have to run the project to run all tests or Run a specific test running the desired Java class (test).

The Common.java class contains the @Before and @After methods, in the @Before you can choose how to execute the tests:

  • Local Chrome (Host machine)
  • Remote Chrome (Docker Container)
  • Local Firefox (Host machine)
  • Remote Firefox (Docker container)

Simply uncomment the driver declaration you want to use.

Remove docker images and containers of this project

Be careful! This three commands will stop the container, remove it and delete it's image!

    docker stop (docker ps -aqf "name=ubulenium");
    docker rm (docker ps -aqf "name=ubulenium");
    docker rmi $( docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"|findstr "ubuntu-selenium" )

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