
E-commerce website using Django and Bootstrap.

Primary LanguagePython

Vinyl Store E-commerce Project

This project is made as a term project for CS308 Software Engineering course in Sabancı University.

In this project, our aim was to make a vinyl shop.

There are 3 type of users; customers, sales manages, product managers.

Customers can add vinyls to their carts, comment and rate vinyls, sort vinyls by their price, look at vinyls by their genre and look at vinyls on sale, buy vinyls, cancel an active order and ask for a refund.

Sales and product managers are responsible for the managerial side of the website such as adding/deleting a product, product stocks, setting prices of the products, making discount on products, approving/disapproving comments on the products, looking at orders and changing order status, approving/disapproving refunds

Credit cart checks and payments are not implemented since this project is for learning the concepts and not for commercial purposes

Main Page

main page

Product Page


Cart Page


Checkout Page



Customers get an email from the shop with their invoice attached after a purchase email



Profile Page

Customers can see their active orders and cancel their orders before they are shipped. active_order

Customers can see their past orders, rate the product and ask for a refund if they bought the product less than 30 days past_order

Manager Pages

Manager Pages