Face Recognition with Edge TPU

This repository contains a trained model for the Coral edge TPU, creating embedding representations for facial recognition. This allows fast inference on a local device. Face recognition is a two stage task: First faces are detected (resulting in a cropped image with the face) and in the second stage these images are transformed to an embedding representing that face (1-D array). For face detection the following pretrained model was used: https://coral.ai/examples/detect-image/#run-the-example-for-face-detection. The model for the embeddings takes as input 96*96 arrays, values between 0 and 1, and outputs a 1-D array of size 192. The Facenet paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.03832) recommends an output size of 128, but this results in an error when converting to an edge TPU model. As a base model MobileNetV2 is used. So far the model has been trained on a third of the VGGFace2 dataset. Updated models will follow.

In the following I will explain how this model can be used on a project with the Raspberry Pi to recognize previously scanned people and give live audio feedback who is visible during a video stream.

How to scan and recognize people


Raspberry 4B 4Gb

Coral USB Accelerator

Raspberry Pi Camera v2

Mini External USB 2.0 Speaker

Before you continue, check if all libraries from requirements.txt are installed.

Scan People

Run scan_people.py to use the face detector and save pictures of a single person to a folder during a video stream. Read more detailed instructions within the code file.

Create Embeddings

Run create_embeddings.py to use the face embedding model, converting the extracted facial pictures to embedding arrays.

Update Labels

Give names to the scanned people. Each scanned person is associated with the folder number in the folder "scanned_people". Open the file people_labels.txt to write in the left column the folder number and in the right column the name of the person. Start by replacing "Alfred Maier" with the person scanned and saved in folder number "1".

Run Face Recognition

Run recognize_face.py to detect faces in a live stream, create embeddings of detected people and compare with the embeddings that have already been recored and labeled. Read more detailed instructions within the code file.

Use without Edge TPU

The python scripts also work without Edge TPU. In each file there is a variable "ifEdgeTPU_1_else_0" that can be set to 0.

here is the link to the notebook, where I trained the model: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1n-cMQ_mP0t40OOzfIJwGLPu_0gkYnHNK?usp=sharing

for questions write to: damian.berger@me.com