
Painter is a browser game that is lightly based on Xonix, a classic video game that was developed in 1984. Developed with Javascript and HTML5.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Game Logo

Live Demo!

Background and Overview

Painter is a video game that is lightly based on Xonix, a classic video game that was developed in 1984. The game starts with the player at the center and enemies randomly placed throughout the screen. The objective of the game is for the player to paint as much of the screen as possible. The Player starts in a pre-sized, already painted zone which serves as their safe zone. The player can exit their safe zone, leaving a trail behind them until they return to their safe zone. The space encapsulated in the players trail will become 'painted' and will extend their safe space. If a enemy runs into their trail while painting a new portion, they game ends, and the players score is quantified as the percentage of the screen that they covered.

Functionality & MVP

In Painter...

  • Players will navigate the screen vertically and horizontally using arrow keys in order to claim space on the screen.
  • Players win when they capture 100% of the screen.
  • Players lose when an enemy collides with their tail.
  • Stat will be displayed on screen:
    • Percentage of Screen Claimed
    • Current Level


Painter will be a single page app, with the play screen canvas, and nav links to the GitHub and my LinkedIn page.

Play Screen Canvas

The play screen canvas will include the game field and the level and percentage of the screen painted.

play screen canvas

Architecture and Technologies

This project will be implemented with the following technologies:

  • Vanilla JavaScript for overall structure and game logic,
  • HTML5 Canvas for DOM manipulation and rendering,
  • and Webpack to bundle and serve up the various scripts.

This project will consist of the following files:

  • painter.js Player Logic
  • enemies.js Enemy Logic
  • grid.js Grid Outline
  • paper.js Entry File
  • game.js holds all of the moving objects and the logic for iterating through these objects and calling their corresponding move methods.

Day 1: Setup all necessary Node modules, including getting webpack up and running. Create webpack.config.js as well as package.json. Write a basic entry file and the bare bones of all 4 scripts outlined above. Goals for the day:

  • Get webpack serving files and frame out index.html.
  • Review Astroid game to familiarize myself with canvas.

Day 2: Build out enemy and player models and render them on canvas screen. Goals for the day:

  • Render the canvas play screen.
  • Build fully functioning enemies and player models.
  • Render player and enemies on the canvas frontend.

Day 3: Fine tune backend logic. Goals for the day:

  • Have a bare-bones no-frills functioning game.
  • Add frontend display for Level and coverage percentage.
  • Begin styling - explore where I want to go with it (retro vs. minimalistic).

Day 4: Finish remaining tasks. Goals for the day:

  • Finish styling all components.

Bonus Features:

  • Skins and avatars for player.
  • Multiple Levels