This is a fork; the original project is available here.
Oscar automatically adds things to your grocery list when you run out. You just scan the item's barcode on its way into the trash.
Here's a video about it!
I run Oscar on a Raspberry Pi under Raspbian. I use this barcode scanner.
That said, there's no reason Oscar shouldn't work with other hardware.
To install Oscar, run the included
as root on the target system. It
will walk you through the process of setting up any API accounts you'll need, and
then it'll install the software.
I haven't really tested that install script, so let's cross our fingers together.
I'm on the Twitters if you have a quick question. For bug reports, use the issues page or submit a pull request.
Thanks to the awesome CloCkWeRX for picking up my slack now that I don't have a Raspberry Pi to test on anymore.