
Create video previews with bash & ffmpeg as short video sequences

Primary LanguageShell

Video preview

This bash scripts generate a preview version of a video as a small video sequence from the original video for a whole directory and generates a metadata json of all files in the folder.


Generate a video squence using small sequences, generates a thumbnail from the middle of the original video and generates a metadata json with file refences and video length.

It supports only *.mp4 files right now.

Usage: ./convert.sh [options] <video_file>

-f, --force              Force the creation of a new preview.
-o, --folder FOLDER      Set the target folder (default is current dir).
-n, --scenes NUMBER      Set the number of scenes (default 10).
-l, --length SECONDS     Set the length of each scene in seconds (default 5).
-w, --width  MAX_WIDTH   Maximum width of the preview (default: 1280)
-d, --height MAX_HEIGHT  Maximum height of the preview (default: 720)
-a, --use_audio          Set to keep audio in the preview (default: remove audio)
-h, --help               Display this help message and exit.
<video_file>             The input file to process


The bash scripts generates all preview files for a directory unsing the converts.sh and creates a summary metadata file combined_index.json at the end.

Usage: ./createIndex.sh <directory_path>

The variables for the generation can be adjusted at the beginning of the script.