Pulmonary Nodule Detection Using a Cascaded SVM Classifier

This repository contains the data used for producing the results in the SPIE16 paper " used in the SPIE16 Paper" (9785-038).

There are two alternative version. In volumes_json you can find all Volumes as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) encoded deep nested data structure including Cliques and Annotations. These contain a lot of fields not necessarily needed by 3rd parties. A subset of relevant fields and individual tables can be found in the *.csv files (comma separated values) or alternatively in the *.json files. There is one for table for each: Volumes, Cliques, Annotations and Contours. Note that some fields are encoded as lists of strings. If you load the csv-file in Excel, some rows containing long strings are not read correctly.

  • volumes.csv / volumes.json
Field Description
PatientID the unique LIDC/IDRI PatientID
Dataset "Training", "Verify" or "Test" (Verify is also used for Training)
SeriesUID DICOM tag SeriesInstanceUID
StudyUID DICOM tag StudyInstanceUID
ImageType list of DICOM ImageType tags
FrameOfReferenceUID DICOM tag FrameOfReferenceUID
XRayTubeCurrent DICOM tag XRayTubeCurrent
ImageFileNames list of original dicom file-names used in this volume (in order)
ImageUIDs list of dicom SOPInstanceUID of each slice
  • annotations.csv / annotations.json
Field Description
AnnotationID the unique (internal) AnnotationID
Primitive 0 for Nodules and NonNodules, 5 for NoduleVolume
AnnotationData either bounding box for NoduleVolume or position and radius for Nodule/ NonNodule (DICOM Patient Coordiantes)
VolumeID the unique VolumeID
HUMax maximum Hounsfield unit in Annotation
HUMean mean Hounsfield unit in Annotation
HUMin minimal Hounsfield unit in Annotation
HUStd standard deviation of Hounsfield units in Annotation
Label a label prefixed by the type NoduleVolume, Nodule or NonNodule, followed by the original label from LIDC/IDRI XML data
AnnotationsIncluded for NoduleVolume, AnnotationIDs of contours that are included in this NoduleVolume
AnnotationsExcluded for NoduleVolume, AnnotationIDs of contours that are excluded in this NoduleVolume
  • contours.csv / contours.json
Field Description
AnnotationID the unique (internal) AnnotationID
Primitive 2 for contours (input to NoduleVolumes)
AnnotationData the triplets of contour coordinates in DICOM patient coordiantes
VolumeID the unique VolumeID
ImageUID dicom SOPInstanceUID of the corresponding slice
SlicePosition the slice number within the volume (starting from 0)
Label a label prefixed by the type NoduleContour, followed by the original label from LIDC/IDRI XML data
  • cliques.csv / cliques.json
Field Description
CliqueID the unique CliqueID
PatientID the unique LIDC/IDRI PatientID
VolumeID the unique VolumeID (SeriesInstanceUID plus a number to force uniqueness within dicom series)
AnnoCount number of Annotations in the Clique
NoduleCount number of Annotations labeled as "Nodule < 3mm" in this Clique
NoduleVolumeCount number of Annotations labeled as "Nodule >= 3mm" in this Clique
NonNoduleCount number of Annotions labeled as "NonNodule" in this Clique
Annotations list of AnnotationIDs as cross reqference to Annotation table
DiameterMean mean diameter of annotations in this clique
Diameters list of diameters
DiceMean mean of all pairwise dice coefficients
Dices all pairwise dice coefficients
HUMax maximum Hounsfield unit in Clique
HUMean mean Hounsfield unit in Clique
HUMin minimal Hounsfield unit in Clique
HUStd standard deviation of Hounsfield units in Clique
VolumeMean mean of all Annotation's volumes in $mm^3$
Volumes the Annotation's volumes in $mm^3$