
Live Editing for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


tips chat npm


amok [options] <script>


npm install amok -g


Amok standalone command line tool for rapid prototyping and development of JavaScript applications.

It monitors changes in the file system. As soon as you save a file, it is then preprocessed, compiled and bundled as needed, and re-compiled in the client session without refreshing or restarting the client.

This re-compilation is done through a debugging session, unlike reloading or reevaluation, re-compilation leaves the application state intact, no side effects are executed when doing re-compilation.

Additional features include a zero configuration http development server for developing front end applications, an interactive mode (read–eval–print loop) and console redirection.


-h, --host <HOST>
  specify the http host, default HOST is localhost.

-p, --port <PORT>
  specify the http port, default PORT is 9966.

-H, --debugger-host <HOST>
  specify the remote debugger host, default HOST is localhost.

-P, --debugger-port <PORT>
  specify the remote debugger port, default PORT is 9222.

--client <identifier>
  specify the client to spawn

--compiler <identifier>
  specify the compiler to spawn

-i, --interactive
  start in interactive mode

-v, --verbose
  enable verbose logging mode

You must have a client is already listening on the remote debugging port when launching, or specified via the --client option.

Optionally a compiler may be specified to process script sources via the --compiler option, Any extra arguments and options following the option parsing terminator --, will be passed as extra options to the compiler.


  1. git clone https://gist.github.com/d58c3eecb72ba3dd0846.git examples
  2. cd examples
  3. amok --client chrome canvas.js


amok --client chrome --compiler webpack canvas.js


amok --client chrome --compiler browserify canvas.js


amok --client chrome --compiler babel canvas.js


amok --client chrome --compiler typescript canvas.js


amok --client chrome --compiler coffeescript canvas.js