
Animal Crossing: New Horizons bot using SysBot.NET

Primary LanguageC#GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


SysBot.AnimalCrossing with the following extra functionality:

  • Automatic offset handling for islands with multiple profiles.
  • Automatic Dodo code retrieval & update from RAM whenever $dodo or $code is called. You may turn this off in the config and sudoers may update the code via $fetchDodo, otherwise $overrideDodo
  • Injections will fill the entire inventory by default (you may change this in the config)
  • Logs users arriving to your island with datestamps and count for that day, and it saves all logs to disk (in logs/arrivals). You can view the last arriver with $last

Other Dependencies

Animal Crossing API logic is provided by NHSE.


License Refer to the License.md for details regarding licensing.