
Final project for CSCI 2270

Primary LanguageC++

CSCI 2270 Final Project

Brandon Eric Phillips


...simulates the spread of different kinds of information through a defined community. Using a graph to represent the community, nodes within the graph represent people and edges within the graph are directed and represent the relationships between these people. Each relationship has a type and each type of relationship has defined weights that represent the probability that a specific type of message will be shared or transferred between the two people that the relationship specifically connects. Each type of message has a default probability of transfer and an optional maximum number of times the message can be shared (in order to simulate the decay of information value in a simple way).

SocSim generates the community graph from static JSON resources files that define the possible message types, all possible relationship types, all people, and all of the relationships between people. The user can then input a message and some important meta data regarding the message and send it through the graph. Stateful information for individual messages such as who has heard the message, from whom the message came, etc. is stored in a hash table alongside the message (in what shall be called a parcel), whose data will be formatted and outputted once the message has made its go-around.


  • rapidjson
    • MIT License
    • Header-only library
    • Bundled with SocSim in ./include/rapidjson per the permission and instruction of the project itself

System Requirements

  • C++11-compliant version of the GCC compiler
    • cmake will use the -std=c++11 flag when compiling
  • Linux (probably)
    • at least a shell supporting STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR, of course
    • all scripts in ./scripts are bash scripts
  • cmake (3.1+)
  • python (for the Data Generator; see below)


Either of the following methods will generate the application as a binary ./bin/socsim.

The easy way:

$ ./scripts/build.sh

This build script cleans up ./build, runs cmake and make, and copies the executable to ./bin. Ensure you have cmake 3.1+ already installed or this script will fail. If you get a permission error, ensure the file has executable permission:

$ chmod +x ./scripts/*.sh

You may need to use sudo with the above chmod command on some distros.

Hint: there is also a ./scripts/clean.sh files that cleans up after ./scripts/build.sh. ./scripts/build.sh executes ./scripts/clean.sh initially before compilation

Note: Both scripts assume CWD is the project root directory (NOT ./scripts)

The hard way:

$ rm -rf build bin
$ mkdir build bin
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ cp socsim ../bin/

This is essentially what the automated build script(s) do(es).

Usage/The Driver

After building, SocSim can be run with the following command:

$ ./bin/socsim

Whatever you do, in order to be able to properly import data res must be in the current working directory.

Running SocSim will fire up the Driver (interface here and implementation here). The driver will provide a menu to the user, gather input, and output information about the society and messages and whatnot as its modified. Simply follow the prompts.


All classes are documented with JavaDoc-style Doxygen comments in their header files.

Graph Data

Data is stored in ./res/ in multiple JSON files. This is the data loaded into the graph initially. SocSim includes a small graph of example data.

Default data graph

This representation of the graph has been exported into various formats that can be imported into many different graph visualization tools/apps. They can be found in ./res/exported.

The probabilities associated with the various relationship types is not stored in any of the exported representations. To view this information, use the Data Generator

Data Generator

The default data can be edited manually or generated using a simple HTML/CSS/JavaScript tool included with SocSim. It relies on AJAX and so must be run in a web server. If you have python installed, you can use the included script to fire up python's built in HTTP server in the res directory:

$ ./scripts/datagen.sh

Otherwise, as long as ./res/ is reachable by a web server, it should still work.

Note: There seems to be a bug in the above script so that the python server doesn't shut down when the script is killed so you may need to you ps -A to find it and kill [PID] or killall [process name] to kill it.

Group Members

  • @bericp1 (Brandon Phillips)



  • Make up data (JSON res files)
  • Select a JSON lib
  • Classes
    • Society: graph;
    • Person: node; a person with a name and occupation
      • name; string
      • occupation; string
    • Relationship: edge; * type; string (an existing RelationshipType label) * from; string (name of Person) * to; string (name of Person)
    • RelationshipType: qualifies and quantifies a type of relationship
      • label; string (describes type of relationship; e.g. "married to" or "teaches" or "is a friend of")
      • prob; map/hashtable<string,float> (holds probabilities for the transfer of different message types)
    • MessageType: quantifies a type of message
      • label; string (describes the type of message; e.g. "rumor" or "news")
      • prob; float (the default probability for transfer for messages of this type)
    • Message
    • Parcel: holds a Message and a hashtable of data about who has heard the message
  • Construct graph from imported data
  • I/O controller
  • Build hashtable on Message object to store traversal data (separate tracker class? e.g. "Parcel")