
Used Technology

-> Selenium (3.4.0) : Selenium automates browsers. -> JUnit (4.12) : JUnit is an open source framework designed for the purpose of writing and running tests in the Java programming language. -> Monte-screen-recorder (0.7.7) : The Monte Media Library is a Java library for processing media data. -> slf4j : The Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, such as java.util.logging, logback and log4j. -> Extent Report (2.41.2) : Class is used to generate an HTML report on the user-specified path.



--> Serial Test Execute

mvn clean install site -Dbrowser.type=chrome -Dtake.a.video=true -P "Serial"

--> Parallel Test Execute

mvn clean install site -Dbrowser.type=chrome -Dtake.a.video=true -P "Parallel" -Dfork.count=2