
Cross-chain bridge message delivery network. We are hiring, hello@darwinia.network

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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Implementation of a https://darwinia.network node in Rust based on the Substrate framework.

This repository contains runtimes for the Darwinia and Crab networks.



Project Introduction Code Activity
Darwinia Common Darwinia bridge core protocol implementation as runtime pallet and Pangolin/Pangoro testnet GitHub code lines GitHub last commit
Darwinia Parachain Darwinia's parachain on Polkadot/Kusama GitHub code lines GitHub last commit
Darwinia Bridge Sol Darwinia bridge solidity smart contracts GitHub code lines GitHub last commit
Bridger Client for header relayers and message relayers in Darwinia's bridge network GitHub code lines GitHub last commit
Smart App DVM, smart contract, and transfer RING/KTON between Substrate address and Ethereum address GitHub code lines GitHub last commit


Technical Support


  • Downloading pre-built binary from releases page.
  • Using the docker image on releases page.
  • Building from source follow this guide.


Make sure that you have all the required dependencies.

Follow substrate-getting-started.

Installing via Cargo

cargo install --git https://github.com/darwinia-network/darwinia --tag <version> --locked

Building from Source

# with github-cli
gh repo clone darwinia-network/darwinia
# with git
git clone https://github.com/darwinia-network/darwinia.git
git checkout <version>
cargo build --release --locked


This repository supports runtimes for Darwinia and Crab.

Connecting to Darwinia Mainnet

Connecting to the global Darwinia network by running:

./darwinia --chain darwinia

You can see your node on telemetry (set a custom name with --name "my custom name").

Connecting to Crab Canary Network

Connecting to the global Crab Canary Network by running:

./darwinia --chain crab

You can see your node on telemetry (set a custom name with --name "my custom name").




Contributing Guidelines

Contributing Guidelines

Contributor Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

