
PayUnity driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library

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Omnipay: PayUnity

PayUnity driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library

Build Status

Omnipay is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 5.3+. This package implements PayUnity support for Omnipay.


Omnipay PayUnity driver version PayUnity COPYandPAY version Post Gateway
0.2.x 4 No
0.3.x 4 purchase() with token billing, refund(), void()
0.4.x 4 also authorize() and capture()


Omnipay PayUnity driver (beta version) is installed via Composer. To install, add it to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "subscribo/omnipay-payunity": "^0.4.1"

and run composer to update your dependencies:

    $ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
    $ php composer.phar update

Basic Usage

The following gateways are provided by this package:

Gateways in this package have following required options:

  • securitySender
  • transactionChannel
  • userLogin
  • userPwd

To get those please contact your PayUnity representative.

(Note: they are provided usually in the form 'SECURITY.SENDER' etc.)

Additionally these options could be specified:

  • registrationMode
  • transactionMode
  • testMode
  • identificationShopperId
  • identificationInvoiceId
  • identificationBulkId (Note: not sure of having any effect at the moment)

For meaning and possible values of transactionMode ('TRANSACTION.MODE') see PayUnity documentation.

For meaning of testMode see general Omnipay documentation

Setting registrationMode to true prepends RG. to default transaction mode, thus making the request also registration request. When transactionMode is specified, then registration mode is ignored (so you have to prepend 'RG.' manually, if you want to make the request registration)

Gateway PayUnity\COPYandPAY

Gateway PayUnity\COPYandPAY supports these request-sending methods:

Method purchase()

Method purchase() expects an array with these keys as its argument:

  • amount
  • currency (e.g. EUR)

Additionally these keys could be specified:

  • card (using CreditCard object with extended list of attributes, including mobile, salutation, identificationDocumentNumber and identificationDocumentType)
  • cardReference (result of getCardReference() from a previous call with registration
  • identificationReferenceId
  • brands
  • returnUrl
  • transactionId
  • description alias for presentationUsage
  • paymentMemo

Option brands could be an array or string with space separated list of (uppercase) brand identifiers, supported by COPYandPAY widget. For supported brands see COPYandPAY documentation.

Option returnUrl should be an absolute url in your site, where user should be redirected after payment.

You need to provide brands and returnUrl either as part of purchase() argument, or when creating a widget later.

Method purchase() returns an instance of CopyAndPayPurchaseRequest having method send(), which in turn is sending the request and returning an instance of CopyAndPayPurchaseResponse having the following methods (additional to standard Omnipay RequestInterface methods and besides other helper and static methods):

  • isTransactionToken()
  • getTransactionToken()
  • haveWidget()
  • getWidget()

Method isSuccessful() always returns false, as the COPYandPAY workflow is as follows:

  1. using purchase() method you acquire transactionToken,
  2. then create or get (using CopyAndPayPurchaseResponse::getWidget()) frontend widget and display it to customer (you can echo it or render it by parts, see CopyAndPayWidget class for more details)
  3. and when customer fills and sends the widget,
  4. he is redirected to returnUrl provided,
  5. where you can finish/check the transaction (see below)

Class CopyAndPayWidget

Class constructor, methods render(), isRenderable(), renderHtmlForm(), renderJavascript() and CopyAndPayPurchaseResponse::getWidget() accepts as first (optional) argument array with following keys:

  • transactionToken
  • testMode (optional; false or true)
  • returnUrl
  • brands
  • language (optional; 2 character lowercase string - language descriptor, e.g. 'en', 'de'...)
  • style (optional; 'card', 'plain' or 'none');
  • loadCompressedJavascript (optional; true or false)
  • loadJavascriptAsynchronously (optional; true or false)

First two parameters are usually provided to the constructor via CopyAndPayPurchaseResponse::getWidget(), if returnUrl and/or brands had been set on purchase() method, these are provided as well, otherwise they should be provided manually either through setters of CopyAndPayWidget object or via $parameters argument on rendering.

  • render() - render complete widget
  • renderHtmlForm() - render html part - you can use it on place, where you want the form to be rendered
  • renderJavascript() - render javascript loading part, you can put in e.g. in html head
  • isRenderable() - returns true, if widget can be rendered with parameters provided (if any)
  • __toString() - is used, when echoing the widget, returns empty string for non-renderable widget
  • getParameters()
  • getDefaultParameters()
  • getters and setter for particular parameters

Method completePurchase()

Method completePurchase() could be called after customer had been redirected from widget (see above) back to your site. It expects an array with key 'transactionToken' as a parameter, however it could be invoked also with an empty array and you can provide transaction token to returned instance of CopyAndPayCompletePurchaseRequest via setTransactionToken($token) or fill(CopyAndPayPurchaseResponse $response) methods. If transactionToken is not provided manually, an attempt will be made to retrieve it from httpRequest, provided to gateway constructor. (That usually means, that if you do not specify transactionToken, it will be taken from url query of current page automatically.)

After transactionToken is provided to CopyAndPayCompletePurchaseRequest, you can call its send() method and receive CopyAndPayCompletePurchaseResponse.

Method CopyAndPayCompletePurchaseResponse::isWaiting() returns true when customer did not yet sent the widget form. For other methods see Post and CopyAndPayCompletePurchase responses

Gateway PayUnity\Post

Gateway PayUnity\Post contains following methods:

Method purchase() and authorize()

Following parameters are needed (either as argument of purchase() / authorize() method or set via setters on PostPurchaseRequest / PostAuthorizeRequest returned):

  • amount
  • currency (e.g. 'EUR')

In order to use tokens returned by getCardReference() from CopyAndPayCompleteResponse, you need to provide them to PostPurchaseRequest either via parameter during purchase(['cardReference' => '...']); call or using setCardReference() setter.

Method capture()

Required parameters:

  • amount
  • currency
  • transactionReference

You may optionally specify transaction method ('CC', 'DD', ...), either directly via setPaymentMethod() or indirectly, using reference stored in registration token via setCardReference() method.

For setting transactionReference and cardReference you may use also method fill()

Methods void() and refund()

Methods void() and refund() need parameter transactionReference set either via parameter, i.e. void(['transactionReference' => '...']); or using setTransactionReference() method of PostRefundRequest or PostVoidRequest. Its value may be obtained from transaction-to-be-voided/refunded response object using getTransactionReference() method. (see purchase.php and refund.php for code examples.)

You may optionally specify transaction method ('CC', 'DD', ...), either directly via setPaymentMethod() or indirectly, using reference stored in registration token via setCardReference() method.

Method refund() needs also amount and currency parameters.

Post requests

Post gateway requests - GenericPostRequests and its subclasses (PostPurchaseRequest, PostRefundRequest, PostVoidRequest) have these parameters (and corresponding setter getter methods):

  • Parameters inherited from Post gateway
  • transactionId alias for identificationTransactionId
  • transactionReference alias for identificationReferenceId
  • description alias for presentationUsage
  • paymentMemo
  • paymentCode
  • paymentType
  • paymentMethod (inherited from common Omnipay interface)

And also other parameters inherited from common Omnipay interface, such as card, cardReference, amount, currency...

Parameters amount and currency are required for PostPurchaseRequest and PostRefundRequest.

Parameter cardReference and/or transactionReference is required for proper processing of all Post gateway requests.

Payment code is computed using values from provided paymentCode, paymentType, paymentMethod, cardReference parameters and default values. Default values and particular payment code computing algorithm is specific to particular request class.

Besides methods inherited from common Omnipay interface (such as send() or initialize()), Post gateway requests provide method fill() to make chaining requests easier.

Method fill()

Method fill() accepts two arguments:

  • $response - and instance of GenericPostResponse
  • $fillMode - optional, integer, specifying which parameters should be set. Available basic constants:
    • GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_CARD_REFERENCE
    • GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_AMOUNT
    • GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_CURRENCY
    • GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_DESCRIPTION

Constants could be combined using bit arithmetic. Available combination constants: * GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_REFERENCES * GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_PRESENTATION * GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_ALL currently alias for GenericPostRequests::FILL_MODE_REFERENCES_AND_PRESENTATION

Depending on $fillMode, cardReference, transactionReference, amount, currency and/or description parameters are being set on request, on which this method has been used, using values from provided $response object. If $fillMode is set to true (default), default fill mode for particular request class is used. If the value provided evaluates as empty (or '0.00' for amount), the particular parameter is left intact.

Post and CopyAndPayCompletePurchase responses

Post gateway responses as well as CopyAndPayCompletePurchase response have also following methods:

  • getTransactionReference() alias for getIdentificationUniqueId()
  • getTransactionId() alias for getIdentificationTransactionId()
  • getAccountRegistration()
  • getIdentificationShortId()
  • getIdentificationShopperId()
  • getPresentationAmount()
  • getPresentationCurrency()
  • getPresentationUsage()
  • getProcessingReason()
  • getProcessingReturn()
  • getProcessingResult()
  • getProcessingCode()
  • getProcessingReasonCode()
  • getProcessingReturnCode()
  • getProcessingStatusCode()
  • getProcessingPaymentCode()
  • getTransactionResponse()
  • getPostValidationErrorCode()

Method getCode() tries to get 'PROCESSING.STATUS.CODE', either directly or by parsing 'PROCESSING.CODE', if both fails, then it tries to provide error code from 'POST.VALIDATION'.

Method getMessage() tries to concatenate (with colon and spaces if both are provided) 'PROCESSING.REASON' and 'PROCESING.RESULT'.

Method getCardReference() returns tokens, which could be used for subsequent requests, via specifying cardReference option on purchase request. These tokens are base64-encoded json, containing data from 'ACCOUNT.REGISTRATION' and 'PAYMENT.CODE'

Method getPresentationAmount() might return '0.00' instead of an empty / not specified value.

Methods getPresentationAmount(), getPresentationCurrency(), getPresentationUsage() usually returns null for CopyAndPayCompletePurchase.

Example code

For example code see:

To run full workflow of example code you need to set up you routing mechanism to actually reach those examples, provide your valid API credentials as environment variables PAYUNITY_USER_LOGIN, PAYUNITY_USER_PWD, PAYUNITY_SECURITY_SENDER, PAYUNITY_TRANSACTION_CHANNEL and PAYUNITY_DRIVER_FOR_OMNIPAY_EXAMPLES_URL_BASE containing url base to your examples. (or you can provide these data by modifying your copy of example code itself)

General instructions

For general usage instructions, please see the main Omnipay repository.


For testing you need to install development dependencies:

    cd path/to/your/project
    cd vendor/subscribo/omnipay-payunity
    composer update

If you want to run both online and offline tests, run just phpunit.

If you want to run offline (not requiring internet connection) tests only, run:

    phpunit tests/offline

For some online tests you might need to provide following environment variables, containing your API credentials: PAYUNITY_USER_LOGIN, PAYUNITY_USER_PWD, PAYUNITY_SECURITY_SENDER, PAYUNITY_TRANSACTION_CHANNEL and PAYUNITY_DRIVER_FOR_OMNIPAY_TESTING_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_REFERENCE containing registration reference string, which you can create e.g. via using example code for COPYandPAY workflow (with environment variables with the same API credentials). It should be displayed as Card Reference on COPYandPAY Complete purchase page.



If you are having general issues with Omnipay, we suggest posting on Stack Overflow. Be sure to add the omnipay tag so it can be easily found.

If you want to keep up to date with release announcements, discuss ideas for the project, or ask more detailed questions, there is also a mailing list which you can subscribe to.

Omnipay PayUnity driver specific

If you believe you have found a bug, please send us an e-mail (packages@subscribo.io) or report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the library and submit a pull request.
