
Simple project to try different recommendation system models

Primary LanguagePython

Before running run.py, make sure that you have "sampleSubmssions.csv" in the input directory. That file includes the query indexes that is asked in the competition. run.py -train filename.csv This call starts the training process. It outputs 'submission.csv' for the query indexes. It also outputs a 'model.pkl' file for trained model. It can be loaded using -load option. run.py -load model.pkl This call tries to loads up the given model.pkl for an already trained model. It outputs 'submission.csv' for the query indexes.

Following files should be in the root:

sampleSubmission.csv run.py: With train option it trains SVD_Bias_Model with train_SVD_Bias(train=ratings,test=None,lambda_user=39,lambda_item=50,lambda_bias=0,num_features=70,num_epochs=10,disable_mean=True) With load option it loads up a given model file. It outputs submission.csv.

cross_validation.py: Not run in the main algorithm. Only used for testing parameters. Runs cross validations on multiple threads. Run by python cross_validation.py helpers.py : Contains methods for data loading models.py : Contains model objects for each model. Each model has predict() and compute_error() methods. More in comments. submit.py : Contains model creating submission file trainers.py : Contains training algorithms for models in models.py utils.py : Contains utility methods

Optionally: Training file: datatrain.csv

We use numpy and scipy as external libraries.