SAN TSG Interview


  • .NET Core
  • POST Method Request go to attribute
  • When POST to any JSON body API, you need to print the JSON from the request to any file or database. go to code block

How to use?

Postman Settings

When sending the request, we set SSL certificate verification to OFF if it is ON.

Content-Type application/json

Example Body

        "operator": {
            "code": "AMOR",
            "name": "AMOR REISE GMBH"
        "voucherNo": 0

If the request is successful, it adds log records to the reservationFile.txt file in the reservationFiles folder.

Comments are added to the lines of code.

How to use SQL Server with a Docker container this Image

docker run -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e SA_PASSWORD=123456! -e TZ=Europe/Minsk -p 1433:1433 --name sqlserver -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest

SQL Server Management Tool for Mac


brew cask install azure-data-studio