Aurochs, a parser generator. Copyright (C)2007-2009 Exalead SA Author: Berke Durak Installation. ============= 1) You can try aurochs on-line at 2) You need Objective Caml 3.10 or later. See On Debian-like systems: apt-get install ocaml-nox 3) You also need the usual development tools (GNU Make, C compiler). 4) make (or gmake) 5) Typing sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local install will install the aurochs binary in /usr/local/bin and the Ocaml libraries in the Ocaml installation directory, as determined by ocamlc -where. 6) You can also use ./aurochs_tool.native if you do not want to install aurochs. Testing ======= 1) There are some grammars in examples/. You can parse them using Aurochs right away: aurochs -parse examples/test.markup examples/markup.peg Aurochs will print an XML-like representation of the parse tree. This is how you develop your grammar. 2) Once your grammar is OK, you generally use Aurochs to save the resulting automaton into a binary file. The command aurochs -target nog examples/markup.peg will create a file markup.nog 3) You can parse a file using that NOG file: aurochs -parse examples/test.markup examples/markup.peg -load-nog markup.nog 4) There is an example C program in c/test/test_nog which does the same thing. _build/c/test/test_nog markup.nog examples/markup.peg 5) There are Ocaml examples in examples/calculator and examples/cgi-bin. 6) There is a Java example in java/. Ensure you have Java 1.6 handy and type "make test" there. For Java 1.5, comment out the "@SuppressWarnings" annotation in java/fr/aurochs/
Aurochs is a parser generator that uses the parse expression grammar (PEG) or "packrat" approach. It takes a grammar in a BNF-like notation (a .peg file) and produces bytecode (a .nog file) for a stack automaton. This bytecode is later interpreted on the input to parse using a C library. Bindings are given for Ocaml, Java and Exascript.