
Weather App with React and Redux. Tests - Jest / Enzyme. Bundler - webpack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather App

See the live version here




The application fetches and displays the weather data for next 5 days.
Each card displays the date, minimum and maximum temperatures in the day and the average temperature.
On card click, the 3-hourly data for the day is displayed in the bar chart below.

Application Setup

Following commands install required dependencies and start the development server on port 8080.

npm install
npm run start


Jest and enzyme are used to perform unit tests on functions and components.
redux-mock-store is used for testing components connected to redux store.

Following command starts running the unit and integration tests in the application.

npm run test

Linter and Prettier

ESLint with AirBnB's preset of rules is used for linting, along with Prettier.


Typechecking for all component props is provided using PropTypes library.


Webpack with a custom setup is used to bundle the project.


Every function and navigation in the application can be controlled using keyboard only.

Package Manager

npm is used for package management. Just a preference.
