
Submod list for Crusader Kings 2 A Game Of Thrones mod. It contains various information for the mods to be compatible with each other.

CK2 AGOT Submods (More Bloodlines 2.2)

More Bloodlines (MB)

Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things (CBBT)


You do not need CO its included on CBBT. Just use this.

  • PO Version: CBBT (PO + CO)

Portrait Overhaul (PO)


Just use these two.

  • AGOT Portrait Overhaul - Base PO
  • AGOT Portrait Overhaul - Enhanced Child GFX

More Economic Buildings (Updated 03/24/2024)

This mod adds
  • Olive Orchards in Meereen.
  • Qartheen Markets in Qarth.
  • Whaler Ports in Ibben.
  • Arbor Vineyards in the Arbor. This building is specific to castles in the Arbor as towns already have wineries, and because the Arbor shipyards do not add any tax income.
  • Grand Markets in Yi Ti's major cities, as they are described as market towns. Useful if you enjoy playing in the Far East.
  • Myrish Guilds and Tyroshi Mercantiles in Myr and Tyrosh. As these provinces are republics, it made sense to add them only to the city holdings.
  • Rainwood Forests in the Rainwood duchy region, as this region is famous for its lumber and more.
  • Jonquil's Pool in Maidenpool. This building gives little income, but makes up for it by adding fertility and health boosts to its holder.
  • Oldtown Harbors specific to the Hightower and the city of Oldtown itself.
  • the Old Mint and Merman Guilds to White Harbor. Both are specific to the castle and city holdings.
  • Lannisport Guilds noted for their goldworks to Lannisport.
  • Pentoshi Bazaars owned by the Spicers to the city of Pentos.

Special Buildings Submod (Treasure Hunter Update v1.5)

This mod adds
  • bakery + lemoncake decision
  • brewery + upgrade if you find master brewer
  • hanging gardens
  • apple + lemon tree orchard if you find seeds
  • crazy alchemist workshop if you find the alchemist + decision to create silent monsters (like "Robert Strong")
  • glass garden
  • fighting arena for essos
  • stonemason + events for building modificators
  • look for minerals decision + events + mines ( iron, copper, gold, silver, dragonglass, probability depending on your region ) + upgrades
  • library + steal book event
  • dragon tower + dragon dream event + valyrian religion convert event
  • duel academy + better fighter events
  • winesink
  • secret passage + secret tunnels enables a big "strolling around the city" event chain at peacetime: you can buy food, elixirs, weapons, books, help foreign traders (investment event based on capital location ), meet lovers, pets or get abducted by a crazy alchemist...
  • weird butcher + cannibal events
  • naval shipyard
  • night watchman
  • barber surgeon + event
  • theatre
  • tailor guild
  • treasure hunter inn + 7 artifacts and 3 quests
  • reliquary shrine
  • candle maker
  • gambling den
  • sacrificial altar + event for black goat religion to sacrifice child to win losing war

Trade Routes Revised (MB version)


Westeros map Detail south Detail north



You need both Main and Compatibility Patch to work properly.

Lowborn Purge


Highly recommended for long savegame lifespan.

The Dragon's Peace (MB) 2.1.2


Use both of Main and Compatch.

Larger Council Tab (Optional read the note)


This is optional mod and not suitable for display resolutions with a higth lower than 900.


1 2 3

Customize Apperance (Optional)


Some historical characters have fixed dna so you can't change their hairs and beards.