- 4
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6116 opened by tomschang - 4
Request my old files stored in Datahub - I have the rest , other than my R course PHW251 2022
#5960 opened by mnazneen - 1
Workshop hub gives '403 : Forbidden XSRF cookie does not match POST argument'
#6032 opened by ericvd-ucb - 3
Request python packages (pandas==2.0.3; sqlalchemy==2.0.32; ipython-sql; psycopg) for class Data 101
#6134 opened by jonathanferrari - 2
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6163 opened by amitchjr - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6138 opened by kawamura4483 - 1
Request python package `openpyxl` for class ENERES 131
#6155 opened by dawsonv - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6129 opened by dicedcubes - 1
Retrieving Files from JupyterHub
#6131 opened by rivkah-coder - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6164 opened by DJFajana - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6165 opened by aishaahmed4302 - 1
Data 6 Elevated Privileges
#6158 opened by JedidiahTsang - 1
Elevated Privileges Request for ER131 Staff
#6137 opened by dawsonv - 1
ECON 140 in Fall 2024
#6153 opened by ryanedw - 1
- 2
Datahub returning "Service Unavailable" page
#6133 opened by dawsonv - 0
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6149 opened by MengyaoHuang - 2
Request python package X for class Y
#6135 opened by ingolia - 1
Request more RAM for Stat 131a
#6121 opened by ryanlovett - 6
Request more RAM for Demog 213
#6094 opened by wrathofquan - 3
Request more RAM for class EE 120
#6015 opened by edwardneo - 2
- 3
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6084 opened by lkdy2 - 2
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6012 opened by Berkelly - 2
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6093 opened by grub-man - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6065 opened by maryj-ha - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6103 opened by cristinaochoa - 1
Want to retrieve my old jupyter files
#6064 opened by boaznam - 12
Request pg upgrade for Data 101 Hub
#5999 opened by cycomachead - 6
- 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6056 opened by nathanmehta - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6013 opened by richard682yu - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6036 opened by mdursht - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#6037 opened by sumbalsharif - 2
Admin Access Ella DeGuzman
#6014 opened by ella-deguzman - 5
admin access to public health datahub for ph142
#6026 opened by paulamarm - 2
Data 140 Request to Elevate Privileges for Course Staff
#6011 opened by mchxo - 1
Increase compute resources for Course EE 120 between specific date(s)/time(s)
#6016 opened by edwardneo - 9
Request python package X for class Y
#5988 opened by ingolia - 2
Data Retrieval Request for All Files, including the datasp21 files, in Jupyter Notebook
#5987 opened by beatricele - 4
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#5913 opened by majdmuna - 1
Data Retrieval - Amaya Lim
#5943 opened by nightrainlily - 1
Request my old files stored in Datahub
#5911 opened by kaseyzc - 4
public health datahub is down
#5958 opened by dsconnell - 2
Request more RAM for class ESPM-157
#5914 opened by cboettig - 1
MBA247 Request Elevated Privileges for Course Staff
#5923 opened by luyi-yang - 2
Request R package Factoextra for class MBA247
#5947 opened by luyi-yang - 0
- 1
Request ruff for August workshop
#5907 opened by paciorek - 1
Request `/usr/bin/tree` for August workshop
#5908 opened by paciorek