
Add terms from papers with code's methods.json

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Via schema automater and gen-owl?

Not sure where @realmarcin got the JSON file, but it might represent the knowledge on this page:

  • How to re-fetch methods.json.gz ?
    • Add that to src/ontology/aio.Makefile)
  • Where to put methods.json ?
    • Using external for now.

schemauto generalize-json doen't seem to be honoring --enum-threshold 999. Those enums look reasonable, but I don't think we want them emitted in the current LinkML OWL serialization

Use the autodetected container class?

What math markup language are they using in XXX?

Not thrilled with this auto-detected example value:

    - value: '[''$ref:Collections'']'