
Pull in any new spreadsheet rows

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Pull in any new spreadsheet rows

Made changes to Google ROBOT template and deep-learning-ontology.Makefile

  • Added SPLIT=| to the Parent and Synonyms columns in the ROBOT template. Replaced all other delimiters in those columns (,,;, etc.) with |
  • Applied DLO: prefix to IDs in both ID column and parent column
    • this was previously done locally with, so was not propagated back to the Google Sheet. See below. has been disabled in deep-learning-ontology.Makefile, and users are now responsible for including the DLO: prefix on all term mentions.
  • Added differentia to previously repeated IDs. Using underscores even if label uses hyphen.
    • DLO:n2v_CBOW, placed under DLO:w2v_CBOW
    • DLO:n2v_SkipGram, placed under DLO:w2v_SkipGram
  • Some classes had been placed under the nonexistent DLO:NN class. These were all replaced under DLO:RecNN
    • DLO:DRN
    • DLO:ESN
    • DLO:LSTM
  • Changed mentions of DLO:FF to DLO:FFN

Disabled from Makefile. See notes on DLO: prefix above.

dlo-src-t.tsv: dlo-src.tsv
	./ $< > $@

BTW, the design decision to use prefixed terms (CURIEs) in the ID and Parent columns was motivated by the DLO:FFN|DLO:LSTM superclass assertion on DLO:NTM

The Parent column can take CURIEs, full IRIs or labels. Use of labels can be tricky because multi-word labels require quoting, but quotes require careful escaping especially in Excel.

The ID column requires CURIEs or full IRIs.

Neither column can take bare identifiers.