A webhook to send every CPython commit to python-checkins mailing list. It's based on python/the-knights-who-say-ni written by Brett Cannon.


  • CPython 3.6
  • aiohttp
  • aiosmtplib

See requirements.txt for details.


You can use following environment variables to configure the mailer webhook:

  • SENDER_EMAIL: This is required.
  • RECIPIENT_EMAIL: This is required.
  • SMTP_HOSTNAME: This is optional. Defaults to 'localhost'.
  • SMTP_PORT: This is optional. Defaults to 1025.
  • SMTP_USERNAME: This is optional.
  • SMTP_PASSWORD: This is optional.
  • PORT: This is optional. Defaults to 8585.


$ SENDER_EMAIL=sender@example.com RECIPIENT_EMAIL=recipient@example.com SMTP_USERNAME=spam SMTP_PASSWORD=eggs python3 mailer.py


You can use aiosmtpd as an SMTP server during development:

$ python -m aiosmtpd -nd -l localhost:1025