
Data Mining, Plotting and Analysis assignment for Twitter Data in JSON format

Primary LanguagePython

Tweet Analysis

Data Mining, Plotting and Analysis assignment for Twitter data, which is in JSON format

*I was in my first year in Computer Engineering while I was implementing this with Python language.

This implementation analyses given twitter data, outputs some informations(like each word's frequency or time frequencies for most popular words etc.) in txt format and plot some graphs(like each word's frequency graph, time frequencies, most popular word pair's frequencies etc. ) to screen with Python language.

I can't add manual because I couldn't find it in this assignment's back-up file but I am adding needed input file(as an example) which is twitter data in JSON file format for mining and analyse. Please check the example input file(If you want you are welcome to obtain another one but in JSON format) and then check my source code before execute it.