
shows simple first steps to start

Primary LanguageSmarty

  1. Run git clone https://github.com/berkguzel/Dockerfile-dockercompose-deployment.git in your shell.


  1. Go into the file where Dockerfile is, run the docker build -t #yourtag .
  2. Run docker run -d -p 8080:8080 #yourtag .
  3. Run curl localhost:8080.

Docker Compose

  1. Go into the correct directory and run docker-compose build .
  2. Run docker-compose up -d .
  3. Run curl localhost:8080 .


  1. Go into the correct directory and run kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml .
  2. Run curl localhost:8080 .


  1. helm install --dry-run --debug ./mychart/ --generate-name
  2. helm install /*name*/ ./mychart/ --set service.type=NodePort
  3. Run the commands showen by Helm CLI