
An adventure game is designed in Java language in accordance with OOP principles. The game is designed based on text.


Character Damage Health Money
Samurai 5 21 15
Archer 7 18 20
Knighter 8 24 5


Obstacle Damage Health Money
Zombie 3 10 4
Vampire 4 14 7
Bear 7 20 12


Weapon Damage Money
Gun 2 25
Sword 3 35
Rifle 7 45


Armor Damage Money
Light 1 15
Medium 3 25
Heavy 5 40

How to play

  • You can choose your character and give a name to your character.

  • 1- Player enters name first

    2- Player chooses character

    3- The player chooses which location to go to

    • Health regenerates if player chooses Safe House
    • If the player chooses the Store, they can buy armor or weapons.
    • If the player chooses Jungle, he is fighting a random number of vampires. If he wins, he will receive money and wood as loot.
    • If the player chooses Cave, he is fighting a random number of zombies. If he wins, he will receive money and food as loot. If the player chooses River, they are fighting a random number of bears. If he wins, he will receive money and water as loot.

    4- If the player's health is 0, the game is over.

    5- If the player stops by all the locations and collects all the loot and does not die, they will win the game.


  • Clone the repo If you want to clone and work on this repository locally, you can follow these steps:
  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone it to your local machine
  3. Navigate to the project directory
  4. Run the following commands:
$ javac
$ java Main


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.