
Experimental routing library which attempts to provide a consistent API.

Primary LanguageC++

P2P routing

Routing layer exploiting different routing methods for higher availability p2p networks configuration.

  • Social routing
  • Identity Hash routing
  • Compact routing

The reason for this library is to provide single interface for multitude of routing strategies. Ideally the library would support combination of different strategies at the same time for better reachability.

Every client can incorporate the routing mechanisms supported by the library and provide it to other clients, making it truly a peer to peer network.

Additional mechanisms may be used for discovering the nodes:

  • Bonjour/Zeroconf
  • Netsukuku
  • DHT
  • DNS
  • Dedicated tracking servers IP

See also:

  • CAN routing methods - in doc/cans.pdf
  • Scatter - doc/02-glendenning-online.pdf

Directory Structure

lib Core routing implementation library (librouting) regserver Lightweight standalone registration server for NAT traversal This server may be integrated into every host running SSS.

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