

  • Node v20

how to run

npm ci
npm run start # samples it works
npm run broken # samples it does not work

what is this?

There are several ways to alias import paths. The purpose of this repository is to see how to express them, their expressiveness, and their interoperability.


Tool and conditions Prefix replacement "@/" -> "./src/" Exact replacement "libfoo" -> "libbar" Capture(single⚠️、multiple✅) RegExp note
Node.js v21.6.0 ESM 1 ⚠️ -
Node.js v21.6.0 CJS 1 ⚠️ Extension guessing does not work
Bun v1.0.23 ⚠️ parse jsconfig, tsconfig 🔗
Deno (application), Import Maps -
Deno (library), 🔗1, 🔗2 -
TypeScript v5.3.3, paths ⚠️ -
TypeScript v5.3.3, resolvePackageJsonImports 1 ⚠️ Node.js (imports field), auto-import is coming soon
Flow -
Webpack v5.89.0 + resolve.alias -
Webpack v5.89.0 + NormalModuleReplacementPlugin -
Webpack v5.89.0 + tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin v4.1.0 ⚠️ parse tsconfig via tsconfig-paths
Rollup + @rollup/plugin-alias v5.1.0 -
Rollup + @rollup/plugin-typescript v11.1.6 ⚠️ tsconfig via typescript
esbuild v0.19.11 ⚠️ parse jsconfig, tsconfig 🔗
esbuild + --alias -
SWC v1.3.102 for JavaScript, jsc.paths ⚠️ -
SWC v1.3.102 for TypeScript ⚠️ parse tsconfig 🔗
Babel v7.23.7 + babel-plugin-module-resolver -
Next.js v14 ⚠️ parse tsconfig,jsconfig 🔗webpack, or 🔗turbopack
Vite + resolve.alias -
Vite + vite-tsconfig-paths ⚠️ parse jsconfig, tsconfig via tsconfck and resolve itself 🔗
Remix, remix-run/remix#2412 ⚠️ parse tsconfig via esbuild? 🔗
Nuxt, original vite plugin
Jest, moduleNameMapper -
Vitest see Vite
ESLint + eslint-import-resolver-alias -
ESLint + eslint-import-resolver-typescript ⚠️ parse jsconfig, tsconfig and resolve via get-tsconfig
ESLint + eslint-plugin-resolver-webpack ⚠️ webpack + resolve.alias
ESLint + eslint-import-resolver-babel-module ⚠️ babel-plugin-module-resolver
Biome Linter -
Oxlint -


  1. Must be a path that starts with # and does not start with #/ 2 3