
Node.js library for Bitfinex platform. Written in TypeScript, has type annotations, response messages normalization to JSON format, error handling, and more.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bitfinex Node.js Library (for WebSocket Public Channels)

Code Autocompletion

Written in TypeScript, has type annotations, messages normalization to JSON, error handling, and more.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them



A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

npm install bitfinex-node-ws

or if you're using yarn:

yarn add bitfinex-node-ws

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo

Usage using ES6 modules (with async/await)

import Bitfinex from "bitfinex-node-ws";

const bfx = new Bitfinex();

async function main() {
  await bfx.connect();

  bfx.ticker("tBTCUSD", message => {
      bid: 7594.2,
      bidSize: 43.50522943,
      ask: 7594.3,
      askSize: 66.06033297,
      dailyChange: 5.8,
      dailyChangePerc: 0.0008,
      lastPrice: 7594.2,
      volume: 8234.07956528,
      high: 7685,
      low: 7550


Usage via CommonJS modules (without async/await)

const { Bitfinex } = require("bitfinex-node-ws");

const bfx = new Bitfinex();

bfx.connect().then(() => {
  bfx.ticker("tBTCUSD", message => {
      bid: 7594.2,
      bidSize: 43.50522943,
      ask: 7594.3,
      askSize: 66.06033297,
      dailyChange: 5.8,
      dailyChangePerc: 0.0008,
      lastPrice: 7594.2,
      volume: 8234.07956528,
      high: 7685,
      low: 7550


To get data from Bitfinex API via WS, first you need to initiate connection. You can do that by calling .connect() method on the Bitfinex instance. This connect() method returns a promise, that will resolve when connection is initiated. In case connection that cannot be established for some reason, promise will be rejected, and error will be logged to the console.

Example Usage:

const bfx = new Bitfinex();

  .then(() => /* connection established */)
  .catch((err) => /* error has occured */)

Or using async/await:

const bfx = new Bitfinex();

async function main() {
  try {
    await bfx.connect();
    // connection has established succesfully
  } catch (err) {
    // error has occured


After establishing the connection, you can use ticker() method on the bfx object to get tickers in real time. ticker() method accepts 2 parameters (symbol and callback function that will be executed, when new ticker message will arrive).

bfx.ticker("tBTCUSD", message => {

Since this library is written using TypeScript and has Type Definitions, you will have autocomplete on the message object. It will show you available fields, and their description (you can see this behavior at the screenshot above).

Built With

  • ws - WebSocket Module For Node.js


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Not Implemented Yet

  • Public channel other than Ticker