
This Homebridge plugin allows Visonic security systems, which have the optional PowerLink3 module inside, to be controlled using Apple HomeKit (e.g. in the Home app on iOS, and via Siri)

Homebridge acts as a bridge between HomeKit (on your Apple devices) and (non-HomeKit-supporting) accessories you have. If you don't already have a computer that can be left running Homebridge continuously at home, you could set up Homebridge on a Raspberry Pi.

Buy Me A Coffee


  1. Install Homebridge by following its installation steps
  2. Install this plugin: npm install -g homebridge-visonic-powerlink3
  3. Edit your Homebridge config.json file (~/.homebridge/config.json on macOS and Linux), adding your security system to accessories – see the sample below


Configuration sample:

   "accessories": [

   		"accessory": "PowerLink3",
   		"name": "Security System",

   		"host": "visonic.tycomonitor.com",
   		"userCode": "your-user-code",
   		"appType": "com.visonic.PowerMaxApp",
   		"userId": "your-random-guid",
   		"panelWebName": "your-panel-web-name",
   		"userEmail": "youremail@domain.com",
   		"userPassword": "your-secret-password"

Required parameters:

  • host string – The IP address, or hostname, of the PowerLink3 server

  • userCode string – The pin code you use to disarm or arm the system

  • appType string – Default: com.visonic.PowerMaxApp

  • userId string – A newly generated GUID

  • panelWebName string – The panel web name as used in the Visonic GO app

  • debug optional boolean – Turns on extensive logging, to help debug issues, when set to true (default: false)

  • userEmail string - Your e-mail to login to Visonic

  • userPassword string - Your password to login to Visonic

Optional parameters:

  • pollForChanges boolean – Turns on continued polling of the system state: if the system status gets changed externally (e.g. via a physical keypad), HomeKit will still get notified of the change (default: true)

  • pollingInterval number – How long, in seconds, to wait between each poll. Each poll seems quite intensive on the PowerLink3; a value of 10 seconds or greater is recommended to avoid it going unresponsive & restarting. (default: 30)

  • debug boolean – Turns on extensive logging, to help debug issues, when set to true (default: false)