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The Encapsulation-list-prototype is the last group project of the Encapsulation module. We will make a simple TODO app to practice Object Oriented JavaScript.

Group 5 is:

Group issue
Development strategy

figma file

FROM Encapsulation


This week's project is to write a Encapsulation-list-prototype. You'll be given starter code with:

A suggested initial encapsulation for your encapsulation-prototype-list.

  • chai
  • deep-clone
  • describe it
  • gremlins
  • logger tool
  • reviews-button

The rest is up to you! Just be careful when scoping your project, it's better have a simple working than a complicated broken one.

This is the Encapsulation-list-prototype FROM HYF


Getting Started

This repository comes with some nice extras like documentation, but in it's heart it's just an HTML/CSS/JS website boilerplate.


To run this project locally you will need to open index.html in your browser using a local server. LiveServer, http-server, study-lenses, or any other local static server will work.

  • npm install
  • run study


Push your changes, turn on GitHub pages, that's all!

When your project is deployed to GitHub pages there will be buttons rendered at the top of your page to validate your HTML, CSS, accessibility and spelling, plus a link back to the project repository.

Installing Dependencies

There are no dependencies needed to run the website, everything is prepared to work with vanilla JavaScript. However, if you want to run tests or if you want to generate documentation for your project you will need to install the development dependencies:

  • npm install


To document your project you will need to write a JSDoc comment for each function in the /handlers, /listeners and /logic. You can also want to add an entry to the JSDoc in /data.js for each property you store in the object.

The JSDoc comments you write in the /src folder will be used to re-write the DOCS.md file each time you run npm run document from the root of your project.

Create the documentation (DOCS.md)
  • npm install
  • node ./lib/document.js


open public/test.html

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