
Linkedin tutorial on Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Name of project

Express essentials

Table of contents

General info

  • Express is a node framework
  • Express can use template languages to create HTML, like Jade, Pug, Mustache, EJS, Dust, HBS, HJS, Twig, Vash
  • Express Application Generator is a package used to create the boilercode for an Express application. link

This project was built following this tutorial


Example screenshot


  • Node 18.16.1
  • Express 4.16.1


Run testapp

change directory:
$ cd testapp

install dependencies:
$ npm install

run the app:
$ DEBUG=testapp:* npm start

Run express essentials

change directory:
$ cd express_essentials

install dependencies:
$ npm install

run the app:
$ npm start $ npm debug

routes availables (express essentials)

  • localhost:3000
  • localhost:3000/public/mountain_1.jpg
  • localhost:3000/images/mountain_2.jpg
  • localhost:3000/download
  • localhost:3000/redirect
  • localhost:3000/item (POST, send header and body in Postman { "item": "rollerblades"})
  • localhost:3000/class (GET, POST, PUT)
  • localhost:3000/next
  • localhost:3000/class/:id

Code Examples

// Chaining
  .get((request, response) => {
    throw new Error();
  .post((request, response) => {
    response.send("Create class info");
  .put((request, response) => {
    response.send("Update class info");


List of features:

  • simple backend
  • several routes to test the app


Project is: done


Project by Linkedin


By bermarte