
Flex Web Chat with Selectable Chat Messages

This project was bootstrapped with Flex Webchat UI Sample

This package can only be consumed together with Twilio Flex. Visit to find out more.

This way this works is we push chat channel attributes via a studio flow > function, that we subscribe to from the web. Any time the attributes change, we pull the "clickablemessage" object and push this into a redux store. When then render the buttons based on what is contained within the object. As the customer progresses through the studio flow, we push the next set of scripted answers as clickable buttons on their end. Thus providing a scripted/guided experience through Studio flow.

This is a great use case for automating specific tasks that could easily be solved in a self-service fashion vs talking to an agent. Give it a try!

Selectable Chat Messages in Action
Plugin Demo


To deploy this plugin, you will need:

  • An active Twilio account with Flex provisioned. Refer to the Flex Quickstart to create one.
  • npm version 5.0.0 or later installed (type npm -v in your terminal to check)
  • Node.js version 10.12.0 or later installed (type node -v in your terminal to check)
  • Twilio CLI along with the Flex CLI Plugin and the Serverless Plugin. Run the following commands to install them:
    # Install the Twilio CLI
    npm install twilio-cli -g
    # Install the Serverless and Flex as Plugins
    twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless
    twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-flex@beta
  • A GitHub account

Twilio Account Settings

Before we begin, we need to collect all the config values we need to run this Flex plugin:

Config Value Description
Account Sid Your primary Twilio account identifier - find this in the Console.
Auth Token Used to create an API key for future CLI access to your Twilio Account - find this in the Console.
Workspace SID Your Flex Task Assignment workspace SID - find this in the Console TaskRouter Workspaces page.
Flex Flow SID Your Flow SID - find this in the Console Messaging page.


Make sure you have Node.js as well as npm installed.

Navigate to the primary plugin folder and run NPM install for the plugin

cd chat-clickable-messages
npm install

Navigate to the serverless folder, create and modify the .env file

cd ..
cd serverless
***rename the .env.example file to .env and change the below:
AUTH_TOKEN= Found at 

Run NPM install for the serverless functions

Run: (from the serverless directory)
npm install

Install the twilio serverless functions

twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless

Deploy the serverless functions into Twilio Do this if you haven't deployed the serverless functions already

twilio serverless:deploy

Copy the domain as you'll need this for the .env as you'll use this when you import the studio flow

Import the Studio Flow located within /serverless/studio_flow, you'll find below how to import a json within the console:

Plugin Demo

From here you'll need to update the function widget within the Studio Flow to point to your function

From the public folder, create the appConfig.js and change on variable within it

cd public
cd assets
rename webchat-appConfig.example.js to webchat-appConfig.js

change accountSID: "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXX"


In order to develop locally, you can use the Webpack Dev Server by running (from the root plugin directory):

npm start

This will automatically start up the Webpack Dev Server and open the browser for you. Your app will run on http://localhost:3000. If you want to change that you can do this by setting the PORT environment variable:

When you make changes to your code, the browser window will be automatically refreshed.


When you are ready to deploy your web chat widget, you'll need to run build

npm run-script build



July 23, 2021

  • Initial Release


This software is to be considered "sample code", a Type B Deliverable, and is delivered "as-is" to the user. Twilio bears no responsibility to support the use or implementation of this software.