
A note taking and task manager app combined – built using the MERN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DailyLog is a note taking and task manager application combined. Add floating tasks to your Inbox 📥. When planning out your week, migrate tasks from your Inbox >> to your weekly task list 📅. The process of task migrations allows you to distill information and have a clear view of the week ahead of you. The daily log section on the right provides a space where you can take any notes for a specific day. It acts as a brain dump section where you can record anything you want really. This single page application was built using the MERN stack and interfaces with a DailyLog RESTful API.

Plan for the future and record the past so that every day you can be more present

NOTE: User authentication is implemented via JSON Web Tokens and passwords are hashed using the bcrypt library

Why did I create this application?

I wanted to create an application that was both a note taking and task manager application combined. There are a few options on the market that attempt to acheive this but I wanted to create one that was easy to use and understand.

Built With 👨‍💻

  • MongoDB/Mongoose
  • Express
  • React
  • Node.js

Next Steps

  • Add ability to add tasks to Day view
  • Autmatic migrations at the end of the week
  • Monthly and yearly view navigation
  • Colour picker for tasks and notes
  • Drag and drop items between components
  • Dark mode
  • Google Calendar integration

Follow its development in this Trello board