
A companion app to the popular game Super Smash Bros. Melee

Primary LanguageJava

Melee Match Assistant

The rule set of competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee can be quite nuanced, even for veteran players. Melee Match Assistant aims to aid players of all skill levels by guiding them through the rules of a match, while at the same time keeping a history of the wins, losses and stages played on. By doing so, players no longer have to think about specific nuances in in the ruleset and instead maintain focus on what matters more... Melee!

Why did I build this app?

I wanted to leverage some of the Android Archtecture Components to create an app where UI state easily persists across different Android Lifecycles.

Built With:

  • Java
  • Android Architecture Components:
    • ViewModel
    • LiveData
    • Room/SQLite


Game art created by Daniel Bernal