
A starter Ansible project for Django deployment using the ansible-coord Ansible collection

Primary LanguageShell

A Starter Ansible Project for Django Deployment using the ansible-coord Collection.

The purpose of this repository is demonstrate how to use the ansible-coord collection to store the multi-environment configuration for multiple django projects utilizing the same playbooks for deployment.

Ansible is powerful and provide a multitude of ways to configure your project. This repository aims to focus and streamline this into a more simplified workflow providing clean starter project with tools to fully deploy django and celery workers which meant for further customization and building on top of.


  • Configure and deploy Django projects using pipenv, supervisor and uvicorn.
  • Use any python version with pyenv.
  • Easy configuration of Celery workers.
  • PostgreSQL, user and database configuration.
  • RabbitMQ vhost and user configuration.
  • Configure memcache instances.
  • Custom nginx configuration.
  • Vagrant for testing your playbooks.

The basic structure of how to the configuration is stored looks like the following:

├── inventory1          <-- inventory for project 1
|   ├── files           <-- additional custom files 
|   └── vagrant         <-- inventory folder
|       ├── group_vars
|       |   └── all.yml <-- general configuration
|       └── inventory   <-- host specific configuration
|   ├── vagrant.vault   <-- secrets vault for login credentials
|   ├── production
|   ├── production.vault
|   ├── staging
|   └── staging.vault
├── inventory2         <-- inventory for project 2
|   ├── files
|   └── vagrant
|       ├── group_vars
|       |   └── all.yml
|       └── inventory
|   ├── vagrant.vault
|   ├── production
|   ├── production.vault
|   ├── staging
|   └── staging.vault
├── play                <-- simplified run script

Multiple inventory folders are stored at the root of the project and multiple environment configuration is stored inside.

An example of the intial command to setup services and deploy the project is the following:

play test-inventory local setup

And iterative deployments will use the following command to reduce work and speed up the deployment:

play test-inventory local deploy

The commands are idempotent so feel free to use whichever is more suitable.

The simple script play is used to collect together parameters which runs the ansible-playbook command with all the relevent parameters and just easier and faster to type on command line.

Why Multiple Projects?

This is the starter ansible playbook I use when I need to automate my deployments. This allows me keep relevant projects together, deploy them in a unified workflow and allowing me to customize how they are deployed and interact with each other. Also it is a flexible structure allowing for growth when needed. Of course, this project layout is clean enough that it also works for single projects as well.

Getting Started

There is a test-inventory which is already configured to deploy test-django-project repository which is a blank django project generated with my django-project-template repository to make it very easy for anyone to try this out via:

  • Vagrant (recommended)
  • Deploy to localhost

First let's make sure you have ansible installed.

pip install ansible

Setup the basics for this playbook:

git clone https://github.com/bernardko/coord-starter.git
cd coord-starter
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Test this out using Vagrant

This is the quickest way to see this ansible playbook in action and only requires Vagrant to be installed on your system. Just run:

vagrant up

Test this out by deploying to localhost

You will need to the following edit the following in the coord-starter/test-inventory/local.vault file and enter a user account with sudo access:

ansible_user: username
ansible_become_pass: mypassword

You'll also need to make sure you can SSH into this account via localhost:

ssh username@localhost

If this works, then you are ready to go, run the following get deploy:

./play test-inventory local setup

Customize for your own project

The best way to get started using this is to copy test-inventory and start customizing the settings to your own project. Make sure you explore the siplay/playbooks to how the playbooks and roles are structured. Also check out the play script to see how commands are run.

Remember to encrypt the secrets vault:

ansible-vault encrypt test-inventory vagrant.vault

play Script Commands

Start and stop celery and uvicorn processes

./play test-inventory local processes start
./play test-inventory local processes stop
./play test-inventory local processes restart

Clean up commands

Configuration files for nginx, celery, uvicorn can be easily removed by adding remove: yes attribute to the configuration. When you run the deploy command again the tasks will cleanup those files for you.

There is also a playbook bernardko.coord.delete which deletes all configuration and data from all hosts listed under deleteservers group in your inventory. Great for migrating servers and cleaning them up.