
Release process for kentik-api

Release process for kentik-api library is based on github repo tags. Every tag with format v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9] will trigger automatic build of package and publish it in PyPi repository.

To build and release package:

  1. Make sure that all code that you want to release is in main branch
  2. Create tag with format v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9] in github. Releases -> Draft a new release -> Put tag version, name and description
  3. Go to Github Actions

Development state

Implemented API resources:

  • users
  • sites
  • tags
  • devices (with interfaces)
  • device labels
  • custom dimensions (with populators)
  • custom applications
  • saved filters
  • my kentik portal
  • query methods
  • plans
  • alerts
  • alerts active