
Tools supporting creation of synthetic tests

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tools supporting management of Kentik synthetic tests

The synth_tools repo consists of 2 components:

  • kentik_synth_client which is a package containing (temporary) Kentik synthetics SDK
  • synth_ctl.py command-line tool for manipulation of synthetic tests and agents

kentik_synth_client is documented in separate README.


The synth_ctl.py tool supports manipulation of Kentik synthetic tests and agents.

(see also synth_ctl.py --help)

Operations supported for synthetic tests:

  • listing and display of test configuration
  • creation of tests based on configuration in YAML format
  • deletion
  • pausing and resuming
  • temporary execution of tests
  • retrieval of test results and health status

See also: synth_ctl test --help

Operations supported for synthetic agents:

  • listing and display of agent configuration
  • matching of agents based on expression

See also: synth_ctl agent --help

Test configuration file

Each configuration file defines configuration for a single test. The test configuration file uses YAML syntax and has 3 sections (dictionaries):

test section

This section specifies test attributes other than list of targets and agents.

Common test attributes:

name purpose required possible values
type test type YES ip, hostname, network_grid, dns, dns_grid, url, page-load, mesh
name name of the test NO any printable string
period test execution period NO integer (default: 60 seconds)
family IP address family to use for tests selecting target address via DNS resolution NO IP_FAMILY_DUAL (default), IP_FAMILY_V4, IP_FAMILY_V6
healthSettings definition of thresholds for establishing test health NO see bellow (default: no thresholds)

Health settings attributes

    latencyCritical: 0
    latencyWarning: 0
    latencyCriticalStddev: 3
    latencyWarningStddev: 1
    packetLossCritical: 50
    packetLossWarning: 0
    jitterCritical: 0
    jitterWarning: 0
    jitterCriticalStddev: 3
    jitterWarningStddev: 1
    httpLatencyCritical: 0
    httpLatencyWarning: 0
    httpLatencyCriticalStddev: 3
    httpLatencyWarningStddev: 1
    httpValidCodes: []
    dnsValidCodes: []

Test specific attributes:
<Coming soon>

targets section

The targets section allows to specify direct list of targets (using the use sub-section), or set of selection rules (using the match sub-section). Only one of use or match can be specified.

At the moment only tests targeting IP addresses or agents support match. Supported targets specification for individual test types:

test type targets section format
ip, network_grid use: <list of addresses> or match: <address matching rules>
hostname, dns, dns_grid use: <list of DNS names>
url, page_load use: <list of URLs>
agent use: <list of agent_ids> or match: <agent matching rules>
mesh None (targets section is ignored)

Address matching rules

List of target addresses can be constructed by querying device and interface configuration in Kentik and selecting addresses based on set of rules.

Format of the match section for address selection:

devices: # required
  <list of rules>
interface_addresses: # optional
  <address properties>
sending_ips: # optional
  <address properties>
snmp_ip: # optional
   <address properties> 

The selection algorithm retrieves list of devices from Kentik API and applies rules in the devices list. All rules in the list must match in order for a device to be selected. See section Device and agent matching rules for supported rule syntax.

If the interface_addresses section is present, list of all interfaces is collected for each matched device. Candidate addresses are extracted from values of the ip_address and secondary_ips interface attributes. If the sending_ips section is present, candidate addresses are extracted from the value of sending_ips attribute of each matched device. If the snmp_ip sections is present, value of the snmp_ip attribute of each matched devices is used.

At least one of interface_addresses, sending_ips or snmp_ip sections must be present. If more than one is present extracted address lists are combined and de-duplicated.

Address properties

name purpose required possible values
family IP address family to match NO IP_FAMILY_DUAL (default), IP_FAMILY_V4, IP_FAMILY_V6
public Exclude link-local and multicast and addresses in iana-ipv4-special-registry NO True, False

agents section

This section specifies list of rules for selecting agents for the test. All rules in the list must match in order for an agent to be selected. Rule syntax is described in the Device and Agent matching rules section bellow.

Device and Agent matching rules

Available matching rules :

type evaluation format example
direct attribute match tests value of specified (device or agent) attribute attribute: value device_type: router
regular expression match matches value of specified attribute using regular expression attribute: regex(regular expression) device_name: regex(.*-iad1-.*)
match any (logical OR) matches if at least one rule in the list matches any: list of rules any:
- label: gateway
- label: edge router
match all (logical AND) matches if all rules in the list match all: list of rules all:
- label: gateway
- site.site_name: Ashburn DC3
one_of_each produces set of candidate matches and matches 1 object to each one_of_each:
attribute1: list of values
attribute2: list of values
site.site_name: [siteA, siteB]
device_type: [router, gateway]

The all and any operators can be nested allowing to construct complex expressions. Example of matching router type devices in siteA and gateway devices in siteB

      - any:
        - all:
          - site.site_name: siteA
          - device_type: router
        - all:
          - site.site_name: siteB
          - device_type: gateway

Example of selecting 1 agent in each specified ASN and country:

    - one_of_each: { asn: [1234, 5678], country: [US, CZ] }

The above example will select at most 1 agent with asn: 1234 and country: US (and other combinations of asn and country values) even if multiple agents with matching asn and country attribute are available. Note: list of agents generated by the one_of_each rule may differ across invocations, because it depends on the order in which agents are returned by the API which is undefined.

Optional specification of minimum and maximum number of matching targets

Maximum and minimum number of matched targets of agents can be specified using: max_matches: <MAX> or min_matches: <MIN> directives in corresponding targets or agents section. If less than min_targets matches test creation fails. If more than max_matches targets or agents match only first max_matches objects are used. At least 1 agent is required for any test (except for mesh).


  min_matches: 2
  max_matches: 10
      - name: regex(.*-fra1-.*)
      - device_type: router

Example test configurations

  • network_grid test with target selection based on matching interface addresses and selection of test agents based on ASN and country code:
  type: network_grid
  period: 300

      - site.site_name: Ashburn DC3
      - any:
          - label: edge router
          - label: gateway
          - label: bastions
      family: ipv4
      public_only: True
    - family: IP_FAMILY_DUAL
    - one_of_each: { asn: [15169, 7224, 16509, 36351], country: [US, AU, BR] }
  • dns_grid test with direct specification of targets and selection of agents based on regular expression match on name
  name: dns AAAA
  type: dns_grid
  period: 600
  servers: [,]
  record_type: DNS_RECORD_AAAA
    dnsValidCodes: [0]

    - www.example.com
    - www.kentik.com

    - name: regex(.*-west-.*)

More examples are in the data directory in the repo.


The synth_ctl tool relies on authentication profiles. Authentication profile is a JSON file with the following format:

  "email": "<email address>",
  "api-key": "<the API key>"

Profile files are first searched in ${KTAPI_HOME}/<profile_name> and if not found then in ${HOME}/.kentik/<profile_name>.

Up to 2 profiles can be specified: --profile identity associated with this profile is used for authentication with the Kentik synthetics API --target-profile identity associated with this profile is used for authentication to Kentik management API, which is used for selection of monitoring targets

If no --target-profile is specified, profile specified via --profile is used.

Proxy access

The --proxy option allows to specify proxy to use for accessing Kentik APIs. The syntax of the --proxy values is as specified in the Proxies definition for the Python requests modules Proxy URL can be also specified in the authentication profile. Example:

  "email": "<email address>",
  "api-key": "<the API key>",
  "proxy": "socks5://localhost:60000"

Accessing API in specific environment (other than Kentik US)

The --api-url option allows specifying URL to use for access to Kentik management and synthetics APIs. Only "base" URL is required (example: https://api.kentik.eu) for both. API URL can be also specified in the authentication profile.


  "email": "<email address>",
  "api-key": "<the API key>",
  "url": "https://api.kentik.eu"

Limitations / future development

The synth_ctl.py tool current does not support:

  • modification of synthetic agents
  • modification of deployed tests (PATCH operation)
  • creation of flow type tests
  • creation of bgp type tests
  • retrieval of test traceroute results (traces)

synth_ctl.py usage


❯ synth_ctl.py --help
Usage: synth_ctl.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Tool for manipulating Kentik synthetic tests

  -p, --profile TEXT              Credential profile for the monitoring
                                  account [required]
  -t, --target-profile TEXT       Credential profile for the target account
                                  (default: same as profile)
  -d, --debug                     Debug output
  --proxy TEXT                    Proxy to use to connect to Kentik API
  --api-url TEXT                  Base URL for Kentik API (default:
  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


test command group

❯ synth_ctl.py test --help
Usage: synth_ctl.py test [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  create    Create test
  delete    Delete test
  get       Print test configuration
  list      List all tests
  match     Print configuration of test matching specified rules
  one-shot  Create test, wait until it produces results and delete or...
  pause     Pause test execution
  results   Print test results and health status
  resume    Resume test execution

agent command group

❯ synth_ctl.py agent --help
Usage: synth_ctl.py agent [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  get    Print agent configuration
  list   List all agents
  match  Print configuration of agents matching specified rules

Help is also available for individual commands. Example:

❯ synth_ctl.py test one-shot --help
Usage: synth_ctl.py test one-shot [OPTIONS] TEST_CONFIG

  Create test, wait until it produces results and delete or disable it

  TEST_CONFIG  Path to test config file  [required]

  --wait-factor FLOAT             Multiplier for test period for computing
                                  wait time for test results  [default: 1.0]
  --retries INTEGER               Number retries waiting for test results
                                  [default: 3]
  --raw-out TEXT                  Path to file to store raw test results in
                                  JSON format
  --failing / --no-failing        Print only failing results  [default: no-
  --delete / --no-delete          Delete test after retrieving results
                                  [default: delete]
  --print-config / --no-print-config
                                  Print test configuration  [default: no-
  --show-internal / --no-show-internal
                                  Show internal test attributes  [default: no-
  --json                          Print output in JSON format
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Requirements and Installation

The tool requires Python3. The lowest tested version is 3.7.3 and the newest 3.10.0.

It is currently not published to PyPi, but it can be installed directly from Github using:

pip install git+https://github.com/kentik/synth_tools.git#egg=kentik-synth-tools

It is highly recommended to use virtual environment, because the application has non-trivial dependencies.

mkdir kentik_synth_tools
cd kentik_synth_tools
python3 venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install git+https://github.com/kentik/synth_tools.git#egg=kentik-synth-tools

The tool also requires authentication profile(s) for accessing the Kentik API. Those are by default stored in .kentik directory in $HOME (see also Authentication section above)

Example of creation of Kentik authentication profile:

mkdir $HOME/.kentik
cat > $HOME/.kentik/default <<EOF
	"email": "<your_email>",
	"api-key": "<your_Kentik_API_key"