
Let's learn the basics of a language, shall we?

Primary LanguageElixir


PortuPrep is a web application that helps you learn the basics of the Portuguese language. It is built with Elixir and Phoenix.

You can play with the app in https://portuprep.com/

The entire application is built around two main concepts: topics and questions. A topic has many questions and a question belongs to a topic. A topic can be anything from a verb tense to a specific grammar rule. A question is a single question that the user must answer.

We also have the concept of a submission. A submission is a user's attempt at answering a question. A submission belongs to a question and is only used to keep track of the user's answer in memory. A submission is not persisted to the database.


  1. Make sure you have Elixir and Phoenix installed.
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Run mix deps.get to install dependencies
  4. Run mix ecto.setup to create the database and run migrations
  5. Start your Phoenix server:
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Deploy Resources

Setting the canonical host

  • flyctl secrets set CANONICAL_HOST=portuprep.com


  • flyctl logs --app portuprep
  • flyctl ssh console
    • bin/portu_prep remote
  • fly deploy


  • GlobalSetup.run("../datasets")