#Seleções Académicas do Porto This project aims to connect the students in the Academy of Porto with the sports they practise. It allows users to see the matches played of all modalities currently present in Campeonatos Académicos do Porto (Porto Academic Championships) and to know information about where it took place, who played and what the result was. Below are some screenshots of how the application looks currently:

Last matches Match Details

Teams Team Info

Calendar Options

##Installation Right now, the only way to install the application is to clone the repository and run:

ionic run <platform>

Where is either "android" or "ios". Make sure you have ionic v2 and cordova installed.

##Credits [Bernardo Belchior] (https://github.com/bernardobelchior1)

[Maria João Mira Paulo] (https://github.com/MariaJoaoMiraPaulo)

[Nuno Ramos] (https://github.com/NunoRamos)

[Pedro Costa] (https://github.com/pedro-c)

##License Not chosen yet.